18 Best Personality Tests For Yourself and Your Team

Every day thousands of people take personality assessments on our platform. The ranked list below is based on their reviews. The best of these personality tests are included in the BPT Pro for you and your team.

The HIGH5 test is one of the best personality assessments you can take. It is primarily used by individuals who are curious about their top strengths and want an overview of their skills. The results of the HIGH5 test are especially useful if you are planning on using a strengths-based approach to self-development. You will receive an in-depth strengths profile within just 20 minutes. In addition, the test is completely free and specific to your strengths.

Time Required: 10 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: Yes

Cost: Free & Paid

The 16 Personality Types is one of the most popular assessments available on the web. It is a popular iteration of the Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator or MBTI. This test is a great option for you if you want somewhat specific insights about your personality. It is also a fantastic option for you if you want a free assessment.

Time Required: 10 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: No

Cost: Free

The DISC test has origins dating all the way back to 1928 and psychologist Dr. William Marston. The test gives you an overall understanding of your personality and some of your key personality traits. This variation of this test includes evaluation for four factors: dominance, influence, steadiness, and conscientiousness. This assessment is useful for those who want a general understanding of their personality.

Time Required: 10 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: No

Cost: Free & Paid

Another popular assessment, the Enneagram Test gives you personality information for free, if you would like. It will categorize you into one of 9 distinct personality types and further divide you from there. This would be a great test to take if you are extremely curious about your personality and want specific information on your personality.

Time Required: 10 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: No

Cost: Free & Paid

The Big Five personality assessment is another one of the most popular tests you could choose to take. It is commonly utilized by Fortune 500 companies, too. The test is great if you want to get easy to understand information on your overarching personality. More specifically, you will get information about your extroversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism.

Time Required: 10-15 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: No

Cost: Free & Paid

The True Colors Test is also remarkably similar to the MBTI and Keirsey assessments. It is used when you want to develop your analytical skill, sympathy skills, dependability, and more. Both teams and individuals can take this assessment and gain valuable insights from it. You will be assigned a color based on your results (blue, green, orange, or gold).

Time Required: 5-10 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: No

Cost: Free & Paid

Build unique personality profiles for your team to help them work more effectively together

#7 HEXACO Model of Personality Structure Personality Inventory

The HEXACO personality test is often overlooked, but it is one of the best tests for finding your positive personality qualities. The test is also fantastic if you would like more information on your emotions specifically. HEXACO quantifies your levels of honesty, humbleness, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and other key positive traits.

Time Required: 45 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: Yes

Cost: Free & Paid

#8 Eysenck Personality Questionnaire

The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) is a simple assessment consisting of only yes/no questions. The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire is usually used for determining how intense someone’s negative traits are. The test evaluates neuroticism, extroversion, psychoticism, and lying behaviors. The test is useful for identifying psychological weaknesses as well.

Time Required: 12 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: No

Cost: Free

#8 NEO Personality Inventory

The revised NEO personality test is similar to assessments such as DiSC. It is also best used by both teams and individuals to get an understanding of their both positive and negative traits. For instance, the test will evaluate your conscientiousness, neuroticism, openness, agreeableness, and extroversion. It is essentially the Big Five test, but only a slightly modified version.

Time Required: 40 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: Yes

Cost: Paid

#9 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

The Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator also called the MBTI, is by far one of the most popular assessments. It is available online or via personal assessments. If you are someone who is seeking to find specific information about your personality, and if you want to do it for a cheap price or free, the MBTI is a good option. It is especially effective if you want a reliable test that is utilized by many Fortune 500 companies.

Time Required: 10 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: No

Cost: Free

#10 The Birkman Method

The Birkamn Method is based on a text written by Sharon Fink and Stephanie Capparell. The test has been verified by numerous tests as well. This assessment can be used to determine your strengths and weaknesses as an individual. It is especially useful if you want to find your motivators and understand how to improve your teamwork as well and communication skills.

Time Required: 30 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: Yes

Cost: Free

#11 Keirsey Temperament Sorter

The Keirsey Temperament Sorter categorizes individuals into one of four temperaments. There are Artisans, Guardians, Idealists, and Rationalists. This is a fantastic test to take if you want a broad overview of your personality for free. It is very reliable and based on some of the research done by the MBTI test developers.

Time Required: 10-15 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: No

Cost: Free

#12 Caliper Profile

The Caliper assessment is one of the most objective and reliable personality assessments you could take. If you need to predict employee behavior, understand what motivates someone, and see someone’s potential strengths, this test could be very helpful for you. Many leaders utilize this test, or tests similar to this, for this reason. However, do keep in mind the test costs between $200 and $300 per person.

Time Required: 60 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: Yes

Cost: Paid

#13 Hogan Personality Inventory

The Hogan Personality Inventory is commonly used by teams to predict how individuals will perform. It is used to identify a person’s typical personality and how it may impact a business. From then, companies can use this information to create better instructions for the employees assist them in self-improvement, and more.

Time Required: 15-20 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: Yes

Cost: Paid

#14 Californian Psychological Inventory

The California Psychological Inventory, or CPI, is a fantastic tool for helping individuals become more productive at work. It will help you see your primary leadership style, how others view you as a leader or employee, and how you can become a better leader. It is detailed but succinct and relies primarily on self-reports to generate the results.

Time Required: 45-60 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: Yes

Cost: Paid

#15 Personality Assessment Inventory

The Personality Assessment Inventory is a broad personality assessment. It is also one of the most objective and relies on the principles of clinical psychology to develop the results. The assessment is often utilized by hospitals to develop a diagnosis for difficult to understand patients. Some individuals may take the test on their own to further discover what their extremely negative traits are. There are four scales for this test, making it relatively in-depth.

Time Required: 50-60 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: Yes

Cost: Paid

#16 TypeFinder Personality Test by Truity

The TypeFinder® Personality Test goes beyond the classic Myers-Briggs 16 personality types to uncover your true strengths. With nearly a million tests taken in the last month, this free assessment provides insights into the 16 personalities pioneered by Myers & Briggs, allowing you to explore your personality type and strengths.

The test involves a series of statements to which you respond based on their accuracy in describing you, ranging from “accurate” to “neutral” to “inaccurate.” It’s a nuanced way to understand aspects of your personality, including preferences and behaviors.

Time Required: 10-15 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: Yes, to access detailed results

Cost: Free and paid (Free for a basic overview and paid for a detailed report)

#17 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire

The 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire, developed by Raymond Cattell in the 1940s, is a personality assessment that explores human individual differences across 16 factors.
Although Cattell’s model has not gained widespread acceptance, and his statistical analysis revealing 16 personality factors has not been successfully replicated, the 16PF Questionnaire remains popular in applied psychology contexts such as counseling and human resources. This test utilizes the public domain scales from the International Personality Item Pool, developed by Lewis Goldberg, to align with the original 16PFQ goals.

Time Required: 15-20 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: No

Cost: Free

#18 Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI)

Eysenck’s Personality Inventory (EPI) assesses personality through two principal dimensions: Extraversion-Introversion and Neuroticism-Stability. Developed to quantify aspects of personality, this inventory features 57 “Yes-No” questions and a falsification scale to detect response distortion.

After completing the EPI, you receive three scores: a ‘lie score’ to gauge social desirability in responses, an ‘E score’ for extraversion, and an ‘N score’ for neuroticism. These scores are plotted on a graph to illustrate your personality traits. While the EPI provides an elementary perspective on personality and may not fully capture complex individual differences, it is a quick tool for basic personality assessment.

Time Required: 5 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: Yes

Cost: Paid


There are a plethora of different personality tests available on the market. Because of this, many individuals become overwhelmed and confused and which they should take. Each test has a target market and is best utilized for a specific set of teams and answers a specific set of questions.

However, there is no need to put off learning about your skills. Many of these tests are highly efficient and quick. You may even get results within 10-20 minutes! In this article, we will discuss the benefits of taking personality tests and which specific test is right for you.

What Is a Personality Test?

Before you take a personality test, it is wise to understand what these tests are. The first personality tests were developed by psychologists and social scientists.

A personality test, in general, is an assessment that gives you information on your traits, the way you view the world, and more. They can help you understand how you work and how you form relationships, too.

Personality tests are sometimes even used by healthcare professionals. These assessments determine if an individual has extreme negative traits, such as extreme narcissism, egotistical disorders, obsession, and much more.

Taking a personality test can help you in your self-development journey. It helps you realize what weaknesses you should avoid using and which strengths you should continue developing. This can help boost your career opportunities and increase your ability to build bonds with others.

Which Other Tests Can I take?

On the BPT platform, you can take also Dark Triad TestOCD Test, and Kinsey Scale Test.

Why Should I Take Multiple Personality Tests?

Now that you are aware of the many different types of personality tests, you may be thinking: why should I take the time to administer or take one of these assessments? There are a plethora of benefits that come along with taking personality tests.

In fact, you get even more benefits if you take more than one assessment. This is so because multiple tests give you a more complete picture of your personality. Below, we have provided you with some additional information on the benefits for individuals and teams.

Benefits For Individuals

For an individual, taking multiple personality assessments helps you acquire more job opportunities. It gives you a clearer idea of what strengths you have and how to further develop them. This will also help you feel more in control of your life, giving you less stress and more positivity.

Many individuals make significant life decisions after getting a better understanding of their strengths. For instance, if you realize that you have incredible communication skills from a personality test, you may be more motivated to start a career in that industry. It could help you discover facts about yourself you never knew, too.

Benefits For Team / Organization & Workplaces

For teams, taking multiple personality tests can also offer a plethora of benefits. Teams that are very aware of their strengths tend to perform better. They are more organized, productive, efficient, and positive.

In addition, by recognizing an employee’s personality, you can create an environment that suits them best. This decreases the risk of employee conflict and further boosts your efficiency.

If your team knows their strengths, they may also become more confident. A team of confident individuals is more likely to stay focused and positive. Plus, teams that are aware of their strengths can acquire competitive advantages. This is especially necessary with today’s cutthroat industries.

Things To Watch Out for When Taking Personality Tests

When taking a personality test, there are a few red flags you should watch out for and things to generally keep in mind. Firstly, you should ensure you stay honest. Employers will easily notice if you answer you are skilled at everything or at nothing.

It will be a red flag for them, and they may ask you to retake the test. This is inefficient and not ideal for both you and your employer.

In addition, you should not rush through the test questions. Try to genuinely place yourself in the circumstances the test brings up. Take time to think about your past when answering these questions, too.

In addition, you should ensure that the test you choose to take has some verification. You should take an assessment that at least has some basic research behind it, but one that has been repeatedly verified by research is even better. Do not take a random test you found on the 70th page of Google and expect accurate results.

FAQs About Personality Tests

Which is the most accurate personality test?

There are numerous personality assessments that have proven to be accurate over the years. One of the most popular assessments called the Myer Briggs Personality Type Indicator or MBTI is one such test. It is based on years of research by a clinical psychologist, Briggs, and her daughter.

Another test that is commonly considered to be reliable is the Big Five test. It is used by numerous Fortune 500 companies.

What is the most widely used personality test?

With so many different personality tests available on the market, it can be difficult for people to find one that fits their needs. However, many gravitate towards specific tests.

The most commonly used personality test is the MBTI or Myer Briggs Personality Type Indicator. Millions of individuals have already taken this assessment over the web. In addition, the Enneagram and Big Five assessments are both quite popular.

What is the most accurate personality test MBTI?

The MBTI is considered to be one of the most popular and accurate assessments available both online and offline. The test is based on the research by psychologist Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother Katherine Cook Briggs.

The test takes into account some of the research and theories put forth by the leading psychologist of the century Carl Jung. Plus, the test has also been verified repeatedly in recent years as one of the most accurate in the market. Many Fortune 500 companies report using it as well.

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Aggregate the results of the world's most popular assessments for your entire team to help it work more effectively together