The Enneagram Personality Test: Free Online Assessment

Discover your Enneagram personality type, wings and unlock the core of who you are.


What is the Enneagram Personality Test?

The Enneagram is categorized into nine unique personality types, with a numerical system representing each of them. The Enneagram test has 9 personality types. It begins with Type One and ends with Type Nine.

The Enneagram personality test examines an individual’s underlying motivations and values. It shows how they adapt to different situations and react when under stress.

Each Enneagram personality type represents a central belief on how the individual sees the world. This fundamental belief drives your innermost desires and insecurities. It essentially shapes your perception of the world and the people around you.

The Enneagram assists you in understanding how people respond to stress and adapt to different situations. The Enneagram also describes how each type behaves in challenging or supportive environments.

What Makes the Enneagram Test Different From Other Tests?

The Enneagram differentiates from other personality tests because it reveals why you behave the way you do.

Enneagram personality test explains individual behavior patterns, motives, and needs more thoroughly and accurately than other personality frameworks.

With Enneagram, the common belief is that your Enneagram personality type is fixed. You will most likely never change your Enneagram type.

However, not all aspects of your Enneagram type are always expressed. Your preferences and behavioral style may change because of factors such as lifestyle and health.

Knowing your strengths and shortcomings gives you an advantage in the workplace. You can understand what style of communication you prefer and how you can improve your work performance.

Enneagram dismisses the one size fits all approach when it comes to areas such as self-care or communication.

So, by understanding your Enneagram personality type, you will understand how it influences your views on things. This will help you expand your outlook on things and address situations more wisely.

Behaviors that were once puzzling or contradictory will make sense when you understand your Enneagram type.

How Accurate is the Enneagram test?

At the moment, there isn’t any  “official” Enneagram test on the market. There are numerous Enneagram tests available online nowadays. Some of these are accurate, while others are not. 

A quality Enneagram test will measure which of the nine Enneagram types is your dominant type with an accuracy of 80%-90%. An accuracy of 80% and above means that you can confidently believe that the test gives a consistent result.

You have to take the result of an Enneagram test with a pinch of salt if it boasts 100% accuracy. Why? Because the Enneagram test attempts to measure your behavior and personality type.

Furthermore, the test result will depend on how honest and open you are when answering the questions. That’s why no Enneagram test can measure your personality with 100% accuracy.

Who Should Take the Enneagram Test?

Almost everyone can use Enneagram tests for all kinds of purposes. You can use it to understand yourself at a deeper level and then apply the knowledge to other areas of your life, such as relationships, emotional intelligence, communication and personal development.

You can improve your relationships and communication with your loved ones by understanding your strengths and flaws.

Each Enneagram type is not only distinctly different from one another; there are even more differences within each type. This includes secondary types (known as “wings”), subtypes and triadic styles. As a result, the Enneagram is a valuable instrument for personal growth, counselling, parenting, and education.

Organizations may also use the Enneagram to boost employee motivation and productivity. Organizations use the test to facilitate their employees to learn more about group dynamics and interpersonal communication.

How Long Does it Take to Finish the Enneagram Test?

The Enneagram test will take you between 8 and 15 minutes on average, depending on how quickly you answer the questions. There is no time limit to worry about.

Take as much time as you need to complete the test. There are no right or wrong answers to the questions. However, responding to each question spontaneously and without overthinking it is recommended.

Can You Take the Enneagram Test for Free?

You can take our free Enneagram test on Best Personality Tests. So what are you waiting for? Hurry up, click this link and discover which Enneagram type you are.

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