Have you ever wondered what makes you tick? The Enneagram test claims to have the answers. The Enneagram is a fascinating and insightful personality typing system that describes patterns in how people conceptualize the world and manage their emotions. It defines nine personality types with unique motivations, fears, and desires.
This Enneagram test review will delve into the intricacies of each class, providing readers with a thorough understanding of the Enneagram’s expansive scope.
What is the Enneagram Test?
The Enneagram Test is a psychological tool that aims to identify which of the nine main personality types an individual most closely aligns with. This typology system has roots in ancient wisdom traditions. Still, psychologists like Don Richard Riso, Russ Hudson, and Claudio Naranjo primarily developed their modern interpretation in the late 20th century.
The origins of the Enneagram can be traced back to various spiritual traditions, including Christianity, Sufism, and Judaism. While the exact origin remains unclear, the symbol of the Enneagram is believed to have been introduced to the West by George Gurdjieff, an Armenian spiritual teacher, in the early 20th century. The personality interpretation of the Enneagram emerged later, out of Oscar Ichazo’s teachings, who conceptualized the “enneatypes” based on his studies of these various spiritual traditions.
The Enneagram is essentially a set of nine distinct personality types, each number on the Enneagram denoting one type. People of a particular type have several characteristics in common, but they can be influenced by the adjacent types (wings), leading to various subtypes. The nine types represent different mental strategies for relating to self, others, and circumstances. At the same time, we can find ourselves in all nine types; one stands out as being closest to ourselves, our dominant type.
In addition to the primary type, individuals have a “wing,” one of the two adjacent to their primary type on the Enneagram circle. Most individuals have a dominant wing. For example, if your primary type is One, you will likely have a Nine or Two wing. The wing brings its characteristics to the individual’s overall personality.
Today, the Enneagram is widely used in various contexts, such as personal growth, therapy, coaching, and even in businesses for team development. It provides a language to understand and communicate complex personality dynamics simply yet profoundly. The Enneagram continues to be a tool of choice for many due to its versatility and applicability in various facets of life.
Is the Enneagram Test Better Than MBTI?
When it comes to personality assessments, the Enneagram and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) often come up in conversation.
Both have their strengths, but the Enneagram’s strength lies mainly in its flexibility. The Enneagram’s nine types and their corresponding wings offer a broad understanding of human personality, allowing it to encompass a variety of human dispositions. The wings, in particular, add a layer of complexity, acknowledging that no personality is one-dimensional.
The Enneagram’s versatility is another strong point. It’s not just a tool for introspection; it’s used in various contexts, from therapy and coaching to team development in businesses.
Providing a language to understand and convey complex personality dynamics enables effective communication, fostering better understanding and connections among people. Unlike MBTI, which primarily focuses on cognitive processes, the Enneagram delves deeper into the underlying motivations, fears, and desires that drive our behaviors.
While both Enneagram and MBTI can foster personal growth, the Enneagram’s spiritual underpinnings provide a deeper level of self-understanding that extends beyond the realm of personality.
Now, this isn’t to discount the MBTI entirely. The Enneagram and MBTI provide valuable insights into personality, and their differences could complement them. The Enneagram’s strength lies in explaining why we behave the way we do, while the MBTI focuses more on how we perceive the world and make decisions.
Therefore, using both could provide a more comprehensive understanding of oneself or others. However, if the goal is to understand underlying motivations and emotional coping mechanisms, the Enneagram may offer a more profound and broader perspective.
Is the Enneagram Test Better Than DISC?
The comparison of the Enneagram test to the DISC assessment hinges on the individual’s specific needs and objectives. While the Enneagram delves into the emotional motivations behind our actions, the DISC assessment primarily focuses on observable behavior, specifically in a work-related context.
The Enneagram test offers a depth of emotional understanding distinct from the DISC assessments. It explores our behavior’s underlying motivations, fears, and desires. This depth can be precious for personal growth and self-understanding, providing insights beyond the surface level of observable behavior. It aids in shedding light on the patterns of our emotional landscape and how these patterns influence our interactions.
On the other hand, the DISC assessment shines in its application within a workplace context. It categorizes behavior into four primary types – Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. Unlike the Enneagram, DISC doesn’t necessarily aim to explore the emotional roots of behavior. Instead, it focuses on understanding and predicting how an individual will likely act in a particular environment, such as in a team or under stress.
While comparing the two, it’s worth noting that the Enneagram and DISC are not mutually exclusive and can often be used in tandem for a more comprehensive understanding of personality and behavior.
While the Enneagram provides insights into ‘why’ we behave in a certain way, the DISC assessment can complement this by providing insights into ‘how’ we are likely to act, especially in a work setting. Thus, rather than trying to establish one as better than the other, it might be more fruitful to view them as tools that serve different, yet complementary, purposes.
What Do Psychologists Think of Enneagram?
While the Enneagram might not be widely accepted in clinical psychology due to its mystical origins and lack of empirical research, its popularity among therapists, coaches, and personal development enthusiasts is undeniable.
Many psychologists find the Enneagram a robust model for understanding human personality and behavior, offering a framework that goes into the depths of our motivations, fears, and desires.
A significant aspect psychologists appreciate about the Enneagram is its ability to unveil emotional patterns. Each Enneagram type is associated with a way of thinking, feeling, and behaving design, driven by underlying motivations and fears. This framework helps individuals understand their emotional responses to various situations and offers guidance on managing these emotions more effectively.
The Enneagram’s role in fostering self-awareness is another aspect psychologists find valuable. The Enneagram can spark meaningful self-reflection by revealing why we behave in specific ways. This insight often leads to personal growth and improved interpersonal relationships, as understanding one’s motivations can help one empathize with others whom different causes may drive.
The Enneagram’s interplay with other personality frameworks like DISC is an area of interest for many psychologists. While the Enneagram dives into the emotional roots of our behavior, DISC predicts how we are likely to act in specific environments, such as a workplace. Combining these two can provide a comprehensive understanding of personality and behavior, which is beneficial in both personal and professional contexts.
Psychologists value the Enneagram for its practical applications. While it’s an excellent tool for personal growth, its relevance isn’t confined to self-understanding. Organizations are increasingly using the Enneagram for team building, conflict resolution, and leadership development, recognizing that understanding their team’s diverse motivations and behaviors can lead to a more harmonious and productive work environment.
Is The Enneagram Scientifically Valid?
The Enneagram, a famous personality classification system, does have its critics. Some psychologists question its scientific validity due to its origins in spiritual and mystical traditions, while others appreciate its focus on individual motivation and emotional responses. It’s essential to weigh these perspectives when considering the Enneagram as a valid personality assessment tool.
The Enneagram’s keen focus on emotional responses differentiates it from many other personality assessments. It doesn’t merely typecast individuals based on behaviors but dives deeper into why we react the way we do.
Understanding and managing our emotional reactions is a critical aspect of emotional intelligence and can significantly improve our interpersonal relationships. This is where the Enneagram excels.
In terms of practical applications, the Enneagram shines. Its use as a tool for personal growth is well known, but its applicability also extends into the professional realm. Organizations have begun to recognize the power of understanding the diverse motivations and behaviors within their teams. They can foster more harmonious and productive work environments by leveraging the Enneagram in team building, conflict resolution, and leadership development.
Is the Enneagram Test Worth It?
The value of the Enneagram test in practical applications cannot be ignored. Its role as a personal growth and team development tool has proven significant over time.
The Enneagram is more than just a personality test—it’s a guide to understanding our motivations, fears, and behaviors. It pushes past the surface, diving into the whys behind our actions. In a team context, this knowledge can be transformative. It allows us to deeply understand our colleagues, fostering more effective communication and collaboration.
Determining the worth of the Enneagram test is subjective—it largely depends on individual preferences and the value placed on personal and professional development. However, its widespread use and the compelling evidence from countless individuals and organizations indicate that, for many, the Enneagram test has proven well worth it.
Why is Enneagram So Accurate?
The Enneagram’s accuracy is primarily attributed to its comprehensive nature. It delves into the intricacies of our emotional landscape rather than just observing surface-level behavioral traits. This depth of understanding helps to explain why we often react to situations the way we do, adding a layer of complexity to our self-awareness.
One of the reasons the Enneagram proves to be so accurate is its synergistic relationship with other personality models like DISC. DISC focuses on behavioral patterns, but when you add the Enneagram into the mix, you see a more holistic picture of a person’s personality. You’re not just predicting behavior; you’re understanding the emotional motivators behind it. This multi-dimensional approach often results in accuracy that is hard to achieve with other personality models.
While some individuals may question the scientific validity of the Enneagram, its accuracy is often validated by personal experiences and feedback. Many find this practical applicability and the transformative power of self-understanding accurate. It’s not just about statistical data—it’s about how the Enneagram resonates with individuals personally, offering insights they find true in their lives.
The Enneagram shines in its practical value. It’s not just a theoretical model—it’s a tool for personal and professional development. Its accuracy lies in how it helps individuals understand their own and others’ motivations, fears, and desires. The practical application of this understanding in everyday life, interactions with others, and personal growth initiatives underscores the Enneagram’s accuracy.
Is Enneagram Psychologically Proven?
While the Enneagram has gained widespread acceptance and offers practical value, it’s worth investigating whether this personality model has been established in psychology. There is a divergence of opinions among psychologists and researchers, with much of the dispute centering on empirical evidence and the methodology employed to validate the Enneagram.
The empirical evidence supporting the Enneagram is comparatively sparse. Most of the studies available are qualitative, relying on personal experiences and introspection. While these insights are valuable, they don’t provide the level of rigor and objectivity that psychology as a science demands. Therefore, more quantitative research is required to validate the Enneagram psychologically.
The methodology of validating the Enneagram has been another point of contention in the psychological community. Some criticize it for its lack of standardization and the absence of a universally accepted and validated Enneagram test. Critics argue that without a standardized test, the accuracy of typing oneself or others into these nine categories becomes subjective, leading to discrepancies.
Despite the criticisms, the Enneagram remains a foothold within the psychological community. This is mainly due to its consistency with many psychological theories, such as motivation, fear, and desire. Its focus on understanding the underlying emotional motivations behind behavior aligns with certain psychological principles and ideas, which lends some credibility to the Enneagram.
The Enneagram’s practical value in personal and professional development cannot be overlooked. It’s widely used in coaching, counseling, and team-building exercises because it fosters empathy, understanding, and improved interpersonal relations. Despite the lack of empirical evidence, its practical applications in these areas testify to its psychological validity.
Why Take an Enneagram Test?
The journey to self-discovery can be challenging, and tools like the Enneagram Test can serve as a beneficial guide.
The Enneagram Test is not just about labeling oneself into a category but provides in-depth insights into one’s personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. It illuminates hidden aspects of our personality, fostering greater self-awareness and self-understanding. You might uncover patterns of thinking or behavior that were previously unnoticed, thereby opening avenues for personal growth and self-improvement.
Enhancing Self-Discovery
One of the critical benefits of the Enneagram test is the deep insight it provides into your true self.
Understanding oneself is a vital step in self-discovery. The Enneagram Test, in shedding light on our personality traits, helps us embrace ourselves more fully. It clarifies why we might behave or react in specific ways and can help us accept those aspects of our personality. This acceptance is not about condoning negative behaviors but understanding them as part of our unique personality structure, which can be worked upon for personal development.
The Enneagram Test can also serve as a roadmap for personal growth. Once we know our strengths and weaknesses, we can devise strategies to leverage our strengths and work on our areas of improvement. It provides a clear understanding of our motivations, fears, and desires, enabling us to make more informed decisions that align with our authentic selves.
Enhancing Interpersonal Relations
By providing insights into our own and others’ motivations and fears, the Enneagram Test can help improve our interpersonal relations. It fosters empathy and understanding, enabling us to navigate interpersonal conflicts and misunderstandings.
By understanding the personality types of those around us, we can more effectively communicate and collaborate, enhancing our personal and professional relationships.
The Pros and Cons of the Enneagram Test
Let’s now look at the Enneagram test’s advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages of the Enneagram Test
The Enneagram Test provides a comprehensive and accurate picture of our personality. The test dives deep into the nuances of our character traits, going beyond surface-level attributes to uncover the core motivations and fears that drive our actions. This depth of insight enables us to understand ourselves, aiding in personal development and growth thoroughly.
Disadvantages of the Enneagram Test
On the flip side, the Enneagram Test also comes with its set of disadvantages. The complexity of the test is a significant drawback. Interpreting the results requires a good understanding of the Enneagram system, which can be complex and overwhelming for many. Without the guidance of a certified professional, it might be challenging to derive valuable insights from the test results.
How to Take the Enneagram Test
Taking the Enneagram test involves a process of self-discovery and honesty. You might be tempted to rush through the questions, but giving yourself ample time to think about each one is crucial. Every response should be as truthful as possible, even if it means acknowledging aspects of your personality you’re not entirely comfortable with.
Online vs. In-person Enneagram Test
Whether you take the Enneagram Test online or mainly in person depends on your preferences and resources. Online test versions, such as those available on various psychology and personal development websites, offer convenience and privacy. They allow you to take the test at your own pace, in the comfort of your home. However, the results are typically automated and might lack the personal touch and in-depth interpretation a certified professional provides.
In-person testing, usually conducted by trained professionals, often involves a more comprehensive analysis of your results. These professionals can help you understand the nuances of your Enneagram type and how it impacts different areas of your life. However, this method can be more expensive and time-consuming.
Tips for Accurate Results
To get the most accurate results from your Enneagram test, your responses must be entirely honest. The test is designed to uncover your fundamental motivations, so answering questions based on who you want to be rather than who you are will skew the results. Reflect deeply on each question and be honest in your responses, even if some truths are uncomfortable to admit.
Avoid distractions when taking the test. Ensure you have a quiet, comfortable space to concentrate and reflect on your answers. This will make you more reflective and less likely to rush through the questions.
Remember, the Enneagram test is not about labeling or pigeonholing you into a specific type. Instead, it’s a tool for understanding your motivations, fears, and desires. Don’t try to manipulate the test to fit into a type you desire or believe you are.
Real User Reviews
Many people have turned to Enneagram testing to better understand their personality and motivations. The feedback on these tests is diverse, with some raving over their effectiveness while others expressing skepticism.
Enneagram Test Positive Reviews
Numerous users express satisfaction with the insights provided by the Enneagram test. A common sentiment among the positive reviews is the test’s accuracy in pinpointing motivational drivers and character traits.
Users often express astonishment at the test’s ability to reveal things about themselves they hadn’t previously recognized. Many also appreciate the detailed descriptions provided, as it helps them understand their interpersonal relationships. Some individuals even found the Enneagram test a valuable tool for personal growth, helping them identify areas where they could improve.
Enneagram Test Negative Reviews
Conversely, some users had less favorable experiences with the Enneagram test. Some critics argue that the test’s results are too broad and generic, which makes them applicable to just about anyone. This, they say, diminishes the test’s credibility and usefulness. Others are skeptical about the scientific validity of the Enneagram, questioning whether it has a strong enough empirical basis to justify its claims. Some found certain aspects of the test difficult to relate to or felt that the descriptions were inaccurate representations of their personality.
The Enneagram test, like many personality assessments, presents a mixed bag of reactions. On one hand, some users find it to be an insightful, valuable tool for self-awareness, personal development, and understanding interpersonal dynamics. They appreciate the detailed personality descriptions and believe the test accurately uncovers critical aspects of their identity.
On the other hand, some users question the test’s scientific validity, broad applicability, and accuracy. These individuals caution against over-reliance on the Enneagram to define one’s identity or guide personal growth.
Ultimately, the value of the Enneagram test may lie in the eye of the beholder, and its effectiveness can vary greatly depending on one’s perspective, openness, and specific needs or goals.