Best Enneagram Tests: 10 Free & Paid Online Enneagram Tests (2024)

Knowing how enneagram tests can help us is helpful as it can give us a better understanding of our personality, behavior, and relationships. But with so many different online tests, knowing which ones are the most reliable and accurate can be challenging. 

To help you, we’ve compiled a list of the top ten free enneagram tests offering quick, easy, and insightful results.

In this article, you’ll learn about 10 of the best free enneagram tests, so by the end, you’ll better understand which one is most suitable for your needs.

Here are the ten best enneagram tests available online.

  1. Enneagram Test by BPTs
  2. Enneagram by Truity
  3. Your Enneagram Coach
  4. Crystal Enneagram
  5. Eclectic Energies
  6. Personality Path
  7. Enneagram Academy
  8. Open Psychometrics
  9. LonerWolf
  10. 9 Types

1. Enneagram Test by BPTs

Link to the test: BPTs Enneagram Test

Time Required: 10 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: No

The BPTs Enneagram test is an insightful and accurate personality test that allows users to understand themselves better and why they respond to situations the way they do. 

It is unique from other tests in that it goes beyond sorting individuals into categories; instead, the Enneagram provides a comprehensive view of how people’s values, fears, and motivations influence their behavior.

With its 80-90% accuracy rate, the test quality depends on how honest the user is when answering questions. 

2. Enneagram by Truity

Link to the test: Truity Enneagram Test

Time Required: 10 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: No

Truity’s Enneagram Test is the perfect way to gain a snapshot of your unique personality. In 10 minutes, you can answer personality-based questions and determine how you fit into the 9 Enneagram types.

No email sign-up is required to take the test, making it simple. After completing the quiz, users receive a free detailed report that offers insight into their Enneagram scores and how they relate to their personalities. 

Users can purchase Truity’s full report for only USD 19 for more comprehensive information. 

The user experience is undeniably smooth while filling out the questionnaire; the design of their free sample makes it easy to appreciate each type to understand yourself and others better.

3. Your Enneagram Coach

Link to the test: Your Enneagram Coach Enneagram Test

Time Required: 10 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: Yes

Taking the Enneagram Test on Your Enneagram Coach takes only 10 minutes, yet it can have a lasting effect on your life! With just 10 minutes, you can unlock insights into your core motivation, facing fundamental objections, and how to become your best self. 

4. Enneagram by Crystal

Link to the test: Crystal Enneagram Test

Time Required: 5 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: Yes

The test results come with a FREE detailed report summarizing the key findings, of which there is much to learn and explore. To maximize the experience, users are encouraged to sign up for online courses dedicated to exploring their individual Enneagram Types.

Additionally, by collaborating directly with an Enneagram coach, users receive personalized solutions for becoming the best version of themselves using practical growth strategies.

Taking the Crystal Enneagram Test will give you an understanding of the impact of your specific type on the results of other personality assessments. It only takes five minutes and requires making an account with access to your full results. 

This armory of resources gives you better insight into your energy sources, what drains you, and what natural talents you may have. 

Knowing these things can be incredibly useful in personal development, and Crystal’s Enneagram Test provides just that opportunity without taking too much away from your time.

5. Eclectic Energies

Link to the test: Eclectic Energies Enneagram Test

Time Required: 15 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: No

When searching for an accurate and comprehensive emotional intelligence assessment, look no further than the Eclectic Energies Enneagram Test. This free test offers an excellent 15-minute extended version and a faster option based on character traits. 

The primary benefit of this test is that it is an Enneagram test with wings, making it an excellent choice for those who want a deeper understanding of their profile.

If you’re serious about self-improvement through emotional intelligence, then the Eclectic Energies Enneagram Test can help you unlock your true potential and refine your self-awareness.

6. Personality Path

Link to the test: Personality Path Enneagram Test

Time Required: 12 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: No

Are you curious about your personality type? Then why not take the Personality Path’s free Enneagram test, which takes only 12 minutes to complete? You’ll get to answer between 45 to 93 questions and discover your personality type, including how likely you are to be each of the nine types. 

With their 85-90% accuracy rate, you can be sure that the results from this test will give you an authentic look into your true self.

Best of all, if you decide to unlock their Premium Profile for $25, you can access a more comprehensive overview of your most likely type to explore your personality entirely. 

7. Enneagram Academy

Link to the test: Enneagram Academy Enneagram Test

Time Required: 15 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: Yes

Discovering your enneagram type can provide valuable insights into your personality, motivations, and emotional responses. If you want to learn more about yourself, consider taking the Enneagram Academy Enneagram Test. 

The test is free to take and takes about 15 minutes of your time. Ensure you have your first name and email address ready when signing up, as this is required to receive the test results.

Taking this sampler version of the RHETI offers insight that could be invaluable in increasing self-awareness and understanding yourself better.

8. Enneagram by Open Psychometrics

Link to the test: Open Psychometrics Enneagram Test

Time Required: 5 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: No

Open Psychometrics takes an unconventional approach to the Enneagram Test by providing a quick and reliable assessment. Its short questionnaire consists of only 36 questions, so you’ll be done in no time – it promises to take only 4 to 6 minutes. 

Upon completion, you won’t get a detailed report but will receive a brief overview along with relevant links for further readings from recognized sources such as the Enneagram Institute and Eclectic Energies.

The best part is that you don’t even have to create an account or sign up to take the test so that you can spruce up your self-exploration without any additional effort.’

9. Enneagram by LonerWolf

Link to the test: LonerWolf Enneagram Test

Time Required: 5 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: No

Lonerwolf offers an easy and accessible way to discover your Enneagram type with only 36 questions that can be completed in 5 minutes. While an email sign-up is asked for so you can receive your test results in email form, you can skip this step if you’d like.

More than just testing is available on the LonerWolf website – many other spiritual-related articles are also presented!

10. 9 Types

Link to the test: 9 Types Enneagram Test

Time Required: 5 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: No

Taking the 9 Types Enneagram Test is a quick and easy way to understand your personality type accurately. With only 36 questions, you can complete this test in as little as five minutes and know your results immediately.

There is no need to provide personal information or wait for results – this test will give you a snapshot of who you are in less than 10 minutes.

Are Free Enneagram Tests 100% Accurate?

Unfortunately, free Enneagram tests are not always 100% accurate. While they can provide insight into your personality type, they may not be as reliable due to the limited number of questions and lack of detailed analysis.

For example, some tests may only have 36 questions, which may not provide enough information to assess all 9 Enneagram types thoroughly.

Additionally, many free tests do not offer a detailed report of their results, making it difficult to interpret and understand your kind in full detail.

Furthermore, even if a test is based on the same principles as other reputable assessments, it does not necessarily mean its accuracy rate is the same.

For instance, the Eclectic Energies Enneagram Test offers an 85-90% accuracy rate, while the Personality Path’s version has an even higher accuracy rate of 90-95%.

This clearly shows that not all free tests are created equal, and choosing one that uses reliable questionnaires and provides comprehensive reports on your results is essential.

How Can You Make Your Enneagram Test More Accurate?

One of the most effective ways to ensure accuracy when taking an Enneagram test is to choose a reputable assessment that uses reliable questionnaires and offers comprehensive results.

Tests like the RHETI (Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator) from the Enneagram Institute or the Eclectic Energies version are generally considered more accurate than free versions due to their longer-form questionnaires, detailed analysis, and higher accuracy rates.

In addition to using a trusted test, another way to make your results as accurate as possible is to answer questions honestly and thoughtfully.

This means not being misled by preconceived notions of what type you should be or even what kind you would like to be – instead, focus on accurately describing your thoughts, feelings, and reactions throughout the questionnaire.

It may also help if you take some time before beginning the assessment to browse through informational material about the Enneagram system to understand better how it works and its different types.

Finally, after taking the test, it’s important to remember that although the results often provide insight into one’s personality type, there could still be room for error.

The key is not to rely solely on this assessment but instead use it only as a starting point for further exploration to gain more clarity around your type.

This can include reading books written by experts or attending workshops/seminars with certified instructors who can guide this process.

Which Enneagram Test Is The Most Accurate?

The most accurate Enneagram test is Truity’s test, which is based on the Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI). It can accurately assess the individual’s personality type. This test was developed by experts in the field and had an accuracy rate of up to 90%.

The test includes 72 questions designed to assess the individual’s personality type accurately. Additionally, indeed provides a comprehensive report with a detailed analysis of your results to gain further insight into your type.

Another reliable assessment is the Best Personality Test’s (BPT) Enneagram Test. This version uses 45 questions specifically tailored to identify each of the nine types with an accuracy rate of 80-90%.

Once completed, BPT also offers a detailed report summarizing all aspects of your personality type, including strengths, weaknesses, and strategies for growth.

Ultimately, the most accurate Enneagram test uses reliable questionnaires and provides comprehensive results to gain deeper insight into your type.

Truity’s version and BPT’s test are highly recommended due to their accuracy rate and detailed results. Remember to read up on the Enneagram system before beginning either of these assessments, as this will help ensure you get an accurate picture of your type.

Which Enneagram Test Comes With Wings?

The Enneagram test from the Millennial Grind website comes with wings, allowing greater accuracy in identifying a person’s personality type.

This version of the test is based on the Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI) and includes 72 questions divided into three wings: A, B, and C. 

Wing A focuses on core beliefs and patterns of behavior that are shared across all nine Enneagram types; Wing B assesses how each type may differ from others; and Wing C tests how different types may be similar or different depending on a person’s life experiences.

With this extensive questionnaire, the Millennial Grind test has an accuracy rate of up to 90%.

Moreover, this test version provides a detailed report beyond identifying one’s personality type. Additionally, it provides personalized advice on how to use each personality trait best to reach your goals.

It also offers insights into streThe quickest Enneagram test is the TypeFinder Challenge from Truity. This test version uses 45 questions and can be completed in 15 minutes.

The accuracy rate for this assessment is also high, reaching strengths, weaknesses, strategies for growth, and potential blind spots.

Which Enneagram Test Is The Best?

The Best Personality Test’s (BPTs) version is reliable for the best Enneagram test. Additionally, once completed, BPT provides a detailed report summarizing all aspects of the individual’s personality type, including strengths, weaknesses, and strategies for growth. It also offers personalized advice on best using each trait to reach personal goals.

Another benefit of BPT’s Enneagram Test is that it allows individuals to gain deeper insight into their type by comparing their results with other users who have taken the test. 

This feature helps people understand how their type fits into the scope of different personality types and how they interact with other people. 

Furthermore, this test can be taken multiple times as one’s style may naturally evolve. With this flexibility and accurate results, BPT’s Enneagram Test provides a comprehensive resource for anyone wishing to understand better themselves and how their personality type influences their life choices.

Which Enneagram Test Is The Quickest?

Open Psychometrics Enneagram Test is the best option if you’re pressed for time. It’s a super quick test that will only take 4-6 minutes to complete and provide your results.

Yet please bear in mind that these results are not as in-depth and detailed as other tests.

The Nine Enneagram Types

Here are the nine Enneagram types and a brief description of each:

Here are the nine Enneagram types and a brief description of each:

  • Type One (The Reformer): People with this type are principled, idealistic, and perfectionistic.
  • Type Two (The Helper): People in this type are generous, people-pleasing, and possessive.
  • Type Three (The Achiever): These individuals are driven to succeed and are image-conscious and competitive.
  • Type Four (The Romantic): Individuals of this type often approach the world through a lens of self-expression and emotionality that can lead them to be sad or withdrawn in specific moments or situations.
  • Type Five (The Observer): This type is known for its insightfulness, intelligence, detachment from emotions, and the need for autonomy and independence.
  • Type Six (The Loyalist): People who identify with this enneagram have strong tendencies towards loyalty but also an anxious mindset that may sometimes cause them to feel overly suspicious of other people’s motives.
  • Type Seven ( The Enthusiast ): Those identified with the seven enneagrams prefer a life filled with fun experiences while maintaining an optimistic outlook on life despite any potential challenges they may encounter.
  • Type Eight (The Challenger): Individuals of this type are known for their strength, self-confidence, and willingness to take risks to assert themselves and defend their rights or those of others.
  • Type Nine (The Peacemaker): Those identified with the nine enneagrams are usually accepting, accommodating people who prefer to keep the peace and remain emotionally removed regarding conflict resolution.

How Do I Find My Enneagram Type?

The first step to discovering your Enneagram type is to take an accredited test. Best Personality Test’s (BPT) version the test is a reliable option and provides a detailed report upon completion.

This helps individuals gain insight into their type, how it relates to other classes, and how it influences their life choices.

Once the test has been taken, individuals can look for patterns within their personality traits to identify their Enneagram type. It’s important to note that sometimes it can be difficult to pinpoint one’s exact type since each person has a unique combination of personality traits.

For instance, someone may have some Type Two features but also characteristics from Type Three. In this case, they will likely fall somewhere between Types Two and Three and should refer to the descriptions above for further guidance.

In addition, many online communities and social media platforms offer helpful resources and group discussions on various topics related to the Enneagram and its nine types.

These can be incredibly useful in understanding one’s type better and connecting with others who share similar experiences or challenges related to the same type.

Best Enneagram Books

Here are some of the best books to consider.

1. The Enneagram by Helen Palmer

Helen Palmer is a prominent Enneagram research and education figure, earning her a place among some of the greatest names in the field. 

Her book The Enneagram in Love and Work is an invaluable contribution to passionate couples who desire a better understanding of how their partner communicates and shows love and ambitious professionals who want to strengthen work relationships. 

In addition to obtaining a thorough guide in relating your type to the other nine types, you can learn what’s likely important to those around you, making improvements without guessing or forcing solutions.

On top of that, it provides helpful advice on using the Enneagram at work, with tips on collaboration and general workplace partnerships.

Its ease of use and comprehensive coverage make it highly recommended for aspiring relationship builders.

2. The Wisdom of Enneagram by Don Richard

While the “Wisdom of the Enneagram” by Riso and Hudson has been a classic for many years and is often rated as one of the best books about the Enneagram, its actual value lies in its ability to bridge the gap between beginner and advanced readers. 

Not only does this book introduce novice readers to the intricacies of the Enneagram theory, but it also provides something more to those already familiar with it. With every re-read, buyers cannot help but discover something they haven’t before. 

Lastly, readers also find that this book introduced an innovative way of seeing how the nine types combine at different levels of personal development – a great insight on its own!

Best Enneagram Coaches and Teachers

Here are some of the best Enneagram coaches and teachers:

Chichi Agorom

Chichi Agorom is a renowned expert on fully human experiences, and she has the expertise to back it up. She has a Master of Arts degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and a Post-Master’s Certificate in Marriage and Family Therapy. 

Additionally, Agorom is certified in Enneagram Teaching & Practices and holds an Associate Faculty position with the Narrative Enneagram. 

Drawing from her unique training and ability to intuitively understand concepts related to human behavior, she wrote ‘The Enneagram for Black Liberation,’’ which can be purchased from any bookseller. 

It should be no surprise that many worldwide experts respect Agorom’s body of work.

Abi Robins

Abi Robins is dedicated to the Enneagram community and has made it their mission to share this valuable system’s teachings freely.

They are a certified Enneagram Teacher, having studied with The Narrative Enneagram, and have founded Conscious Enneagram to bring the total reach of these powerful lessons to everyone who seeks them. 

On top of workshops and podcast interviews, Abi also offers individual coaching sessions and couples coaching for those looking for tailored guidance within their growth journey.

Resources for additional books and recommended teachers can be easily accessed on their website for anyone wanting to expand their understanding.

Jessica Denise Dickson

Jessica Denise Dickson is an inspiring figure, showing clients daily that they are enough and that freedom is within their reach.

As a Life Empowerment Coach, Enneagram Guide, Trainer and Speaker, and Freedom Creatrix she helps clients effect powerful personal and professional transformations. 

Dickson has developed her own dynamic approach combining the ancient wisdom of the Enneagram with counseling and coaching techniques to great effect – helping others address relationships, careers, self-love and motivation among other areas. 

Often these transformations have a cumulative impact on other areas of life: opening up greater potential for growth and opportunity.


The Enneagram is a powerful tool for self-exploration and understanding one’s personality. By taking free Enneagram tests, one can gain valuable insight into their motivations, emotional responses, and more. 

While each test may not be 100% accurate, they offer an informative starting point to start your journey of self-discovery. 

With the right resources and knowledge, you’ll soon grasp all nine Enneagram types and better understand yourself!

Additionally, many Enneagram books and coaches are available to help you further refine your insights about yourself. 

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