The people who are strong in Dominance (D) trait are often described as ‘Winners’ or ‘Autocrats’, and for good reason. Dominance is the factor of control and assertiveness, and with no other high factors in the profile to balance this, the D-person can be remarkably domineering, and even overbearing at times. This type of person has a very strong need to achieve, and because of this they are often ambitious and competitive, striving aggressively to achieve their goals. They are dynamic and adaptable, and show a decisiveness and a capacity for direct leadership.

How they relate to others

The emphasis that this type of person places on achievement and success significantly affects their relations with other people. In extreme cases, the D-person can come to treat other people simply as a means to an end, or a way of achieving their personal goals. Dominance is not an emotional factor, and individuals with this type of profile will tend not to place great importance on feelings, either their own or others’. The competitive side of Dominance can lead Winners to see challenges and opposition everywhere, and others sometimes find it difficult to break through this naturally suspicious, sceptical shell.

What they are good at

Winners are a competent and confident decision-makers, able to reach a conclusion quickly from minimal information and act accordingly. They are well suited to situations that others would find unbearably stressful, as their desire for challenge and their enjoyment of success against the odds makes them unusually proficient in dealing with such situations. Due to their direct, demanding nature, Winners are more suited to structured, formal environments than those where close ties are required.

What motivates them

Highly Dominant individuals like to feel that they are in control, and seek opportunities to reinforce and emphasise their personal power. They measure their progress in life by their achievements and successes, and need to maintain a sense of personal momentum. Being impatient and forthright, they intensely dislike situations that they are unable to directly resolve for themselves – dependence on other people is anathema to this type. They find these kinds of situation extremely frustrating, and can be driven to wild, impulsive actions in an attempt to relieve the pressure.

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It is awesome to read something that describes you so well… and knowing I am not a weirdo! One thing this profile got right was how awkward I feel with people sometimes, but at other times it feels like we have been friends

Yasim M.

It was a pleasant surprise to find out that the ways in which I thought were odd and reclusive actually had some value. It felt really good when someone else saw my personality type as

Kate B.

The premium profile I purchased was worth every penny. It helped me dive deep into my reasons for doing what i do, and it gave clarity on those things that started making sense

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