Risk Takers, or people who are strong in, first, Influence (I) and, second, Dominance (D), represent sociable, creative, optimistic, and charming people. They are emotionally outspoken and have an approachable atmosphere surrounding them. These traits immediately draw people toward them.

Because of their traits of dominance, they are confident individuals. At the same time, their influential nature allows them to stay warm and approachable.

Further, Risk Takers are creative and action-oriented. Their excellent communication skills make them highly persuasive.

On the other hand, they tend to not follow a structure and can even change directions often. Moreover, they push the boundaries of their optimism to a point where they turn unrealistic.

How they relate to others

Risk Takers are characterised by strong social skills and a persuasive communication style. They are capable of great charm, but will sometimes adopt a more demanding, overbearing style of behaviour, especially if they feel themselves to be under pressure. The outgoing and quickly-paced approach of Risk Takers can be difficult to deal with for less assertive or direct types, especially as they have no fear of confrontation and will address issues directly rather than prevaricate.

What they are good at

Risk Takers thrive in situations that others would find impossibly stressful and difficult to deal with. Their need for achievement means that they are willing to undertake almost any task to achieve success or recognition, and this driving, motivated approach lends them an urgency and energy rarely seen in other types. As a result, Risk Takers frequently end up in direct sales positions. This type of occupation leverages main characteristics of this style: the ability to think and react quickly, adapt to challenging situations and use powers of both assertiveness and persuasion to motivate others to accept their own proposals.

What motivates them

Success and recognition are the twin motivating factors for a person with high Dominance and Influence. To be content, Risk Takers must feel that they are a success in both their business and personal lives. More than this, they are motivated by challenge – stagnation is anathema to a person of this type, and they need to set themselves lofty goals and ambitions, and aim steadily towards these, if they are to operate at their best.

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