The INTJ personality type is one of the 16 personalities that the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) recognizes within its personality inventory. Each of them is defined by how individuals perceive and judge their surroundings, interact with people, and their preferences. This article closely reviews the INTJ personality type, known as Architect or Strategist.
What does INTJ stand for?
INTJ stands for introverted, intuitive, thinking and judging. It means that people with the INTJ personality type are rational strategists inspired by creativity and wit. The Architect’s profile is outstanding in many aspects. These are usually brilliant people who seek challenges in everything they do. Most of them are high-achievers who manage to overcome an array of obstacles to get themselves where they want them to be. INTJs are deterred by mediocrity and mundane lifestyles. When surrounded by ordinary people, they tend to be cynical as they despise laziness and lack of imagination.
As finding someone as brilliant as they are is rare, INTJs are usually locked in their own world, thinking about implementing new ideas and new concepts and testing their findings. Many people deem INTJs contradictory. They have a vivid imagination, but at the same time, they don’t have a hard time making decisions. They strive for socialization but would rather stay on their own if they don’t find individuals with similar traits. Their expressed curiosity doesn’t prevent them from staying focused on their goals, and they avoid trivialities by all means.
INTJ personality traits and key characteristics
INTJ personality traits and key characteristics are:
- INTJ people are logical thinkers who value objective and reasonable information.
- INTJ tends to analyze every information and fact and look for meaning in everything they see or hear.
- INTJ sees things as a complex network of people and events that must be analyzed and predicted.
- They apply creativity in whatever they do, often surpassing everyone’s expectations.
- INTJs are perfectionists with high standards in life.
- INTJs are reserved, self-confident planners who tend to act on their own.
- INTJ puts theory into practice and looks for the ‘workability’ of new ideas or concepts before they announce them as being successful.
Cognitive functions of INTJ personality type
As we mentioned above, the MBTI categorizes people based on the four existing functional stacks, i.e., functions that combine and interact differently. One of these functions is dominant (the first letter of the acronym), and it usually gives an overview of the specific personality type. The dominant function is accompanied by the auxiliary, tertiary and inferior functions that create the personality type. The following are the functions that make up the architect’s personality type.
Dominant: Introverted intuition
This function helps them combine patterns to create meanings and possibilities. INTJs are not satisfied by revealing the facts; they look for deeper understanding and explanations. This function also helps them look beyond words and understand more than what’s been said.
Auxiliary: Extraverted thinking
Having extraverted thinking traits, these people demand structure, order, and control. They approach things methodically and practically, always relying on their common sense.
Tertiary: Introverted feeling
Having the Feeling function as tertiary means that feelings don’t dominate the Architect’s personality. However, if or when they get in touch with their emotions, some INTJs have the potential to take them into account when making decisions. This function also influences INTJs to become drawn to people with whom they share similar values.
Inferior: Extraverted sensing
When the Sensing function is extraverted but inferior, it means that processing information through senses will be dominant in their weakness rather than strengths. This is why INTJs’ cynicism is usually emphasized when they perceive their surroundings as mediocre and uninteresting.
Subtypes of the INTJ
There are two subcategories within the Architect profile determined by their identity differences, Assertive INTJs (INTJ-A) and Turbulent INTJs (INTJ-T). These differences divide INTJs into two distinctive groups. Even though they maintain their core profile functions and characteristics, they differ in how they express ambition, tackle stress, and respond to people’s lives.
INTJ’s strengths and weaknesses
INTJs usually have the reputation of being ‘different,’ ‘nerds,’ or ‘bookworms,’ and they can rarely relate to other people and situations if they don’t challenge their brains. However, INTJs intuitively know that they are above them and focus on what motivates them. Yet, to fully find their place in society, they are encouraged to embrace and develop their strengths and recognize and work on their weaknesses.
INTJ most common strengths
INTJs look for a logical explanation and see opportunity in every obstacle as it can mean expanding their knowledge and finding an inventive solution.
INTJs rarely seek approval from other people as they rely on their sensible reasoning. They know what they are doing, focus on the big picture, and usually have things under control.
Set high expectations
Architect personalities rarely find satisfaction in doing average jobs that require intermediate skills. Their high standards apply to other people and themselves, which often leads to impressive results.
It is almost impossible to see an INTJ conforming to social or corporate norms if he/she doesn’t share the ideas. People with the architect personality analyze things deeply and always have their personal, unbiased opinions. That makes them exceptionally independent and hardly ever look for supporters or followers.
INTJs love to explore and question everything around them. They are never satisfied with theoretical explanations, so they often put theories into practice to check their validity. They want to know ‘why,’ ‘how, ‘what,’ and ‘if.’
When INTJs decide upon something, it doesn’t often happen to discourage them from acting upon it. Their ambitious nature and wits allow them to focus on achieving a goal while overcoming challenges and obstacles in the most practical manner.
INTJ’s most common weaknesses
Due to the fact that INTJs set very high expectations from others or themselves, any failure to meet them is usually greeted with excessive criticism. INTJs rarely come to understand that most of the issues arise from their inability to comprehend that not everyone is capable of meeting their high criteria.
Ordinary people, chit-chats, or mundane activities are likely to cause an outburst of cynicism and intolerance at INTJs. Their logical mind can’t comprehend trivialities simply because they see no point in them.
Lack of romantic expression
Love and logic often don’t go together, and that’s best seen at INTJs. They often struggle to understand their partner and fail to comprehend their feelings, particularly in the early dating stage.
INTJs are well aware of their brain powers. However, when their self-confidence prevents them from accepting other people’s points of view, they appear arrogant.
Jobs and careers of INTJs
When it comes to INTJ’s jobs and career paths, they would never be satisfied with any job. Since the most peculiar characteristic of INTJs’ personality is finding meaning in facts and inventive solutions for difficult problems, they look for occupations that allow them to shine. Architects love to put complex theories into practice, and no other personality type is better than them. A seemingly tangled abstraction for many is a systematic network of solutions for INTJs, which is where they dominate.
INTJs are honest, diligent workers who stand out with their creative wit and thinking outside the box. Climbing the corporate ladder might be difficult for them, as they might struggle to obey rules and follow procedures. INTJs despise nepotism, connections, and networking to gain undeserved merits, which can get them into conflict with their co-workers or managers. The best work occupations for INTJs include jobs that allow them to rely on their own skills without having to get involved in teamwork.
INTJs don’t necessarily require top positions, but jobs that will enable them to develop new theories and principles with the possibility to put them into action. The Architects’ ideal working atmosphere would be structured, efficient, and competent, surrounded by knowledgeable colleagues who are productive and take the initiative to implement new ideas, concepts, or systems.
10 best jobs and careers for INTJs
It is true that INTJs can do any job with remarkable success. However, not any job can make them feel productive and fulfilled, nor will it allow them to use their talents. The following list of jobs indicates the most recommended ten work occupations for the INTJ personality:
- Project Manager
- Systems Engineer
- Marketing Strategist
- Military Strategist
- System Analyst
- Scientist
- Financial Advisor
- Accountant or Auditor
- Political Scientist
- Software Developer
Common hobbies and interests for INTJs
INTJs love exploring new things and researching the unknown, so most of their hobbies include activities that are mind-engaging and stimulate learning. The following are the most common INTJs’ hobbies and interests:
- Cultural events
- Exploration trips
- Computer games
- Reading
- Visiting new places
- Taking classes
- Learning new skills
- Swimming
- Tennis
- Running
INTJ’s interactions and behaviors in different roles
INTJs are not the most popular people in their surroundings, but they rarely feel bad about it. After all, they intentionally avoid gatherings, gossip, small talk, and the usual stuff. INTJs would never agree to spend time or energy on random people or individuals they consider inferior. This is why INTJs have a tiny circle of friends. These are usually long-term friendships based on mutual interest, common values, and agreed recognition of their strengths and flaws.
Parenting can be a real challenge for INTJs, particularly during the first few years of their children. However, since challenges motivate Architects, they are more than willing to learn how to raise their children into self-reliant adults with critical thinking skills. Even though INTJs might be baffled by emotionally needy children, they will do their best to establish an honest and sensible connection based on love and respect.
INTJs will do their best to guide their children with age-appropriate rules, always making sure that they are clear enough to be understood. When it comes to expressing love and affection, INTJs are stiff and rigid, but in the way they communicate with their children and the constant flow and guidance they provide, they make sure their children know they are loved.
Awkward and chaotic might be the two words that describe INTJ in a relationship. They are utterly baffled at the beginning of their relationships, and they see their relationship as something that needs strategy and guidance. What they dismiss, though, is the most important ingredient of any relationship, expressing love and romance. You’ll rarely find an INTJ conforming to the commonly accepted dating rituals. They’d rather skip anything that doesn’t appear logical and won’t indulge in senseless (for them) activities just to impress their partner. They prefer to think about love rather than showing affection. However, INTJs need to understand that to create a long-term relationship, they need to give their share and find a way to support their partner.
The workplace environment is where they feel at home and show a genuine interest in achieving their goals. In a way, they could set an example of a model employee if it wasn’t for their harsh criticism and the high standards they set. INTJs are independent and don’t normally let others interfere with their opinions. If they are at the beginning of their career, they could struggle with authorities. However, thanks to their inborn intelligence, they quickly find a way to stand out and move up. When they take up leading positions, they show an excellent example of leadership and goal-oriented focus. They completely ignore everything that might distract them from their objective and often find ways to promote and reward effectiveness, initiative, and innovation.
Famous INTJs you might know
The list of famous INTJs includes inventors, high-achievers, famous writers, politicians, entrepreneurs, and influencers, such as:
- Bill Gates – software developer/business magnate
- Stephen Hawking – theoretical physicist, scientist, author
- Sir Isaac Newton – scientist, inventor
- Isaac Asimov – novelist
- Hillary Clinton – politician
Interesting facts about INTJs
- INTJs are one of the rarest personalities constituting about 3% of the world population, of which 2% are men and 1% women.
- Architect personality is one of the two types that boast the highest college GPA.
- INTJs are among the highest-earning personality types.
- They are among the personality types with the lowest incidence of cardiac problems or heart disease.
- They are mostly found in science, computer technologies, technical fields, and finances and law.
- Compared to other personality types, they are the least likely to value family, relationships, community service, and financial security.
- Among the highest-earning personality types.
INTJ Personality FAQ
Are INTJs rare and how rare?
Yes, the INTJ personality type is among the rarest, taking up only about 2-3% of the world population.
What are INTJ personalities like?
INTJ personalities are extremely confident, ambitious, and self-assured individuals with great motivation to succeed. They tend to be very logical and open-minded people who enjoy learning new things and taking part in various types of activities. However, they usually do these things on their own. The reason is that INTJs are introverted people who feel uncomfortable communicating with strangers. As a result, they prefer to work alone. This also helps them concentrate on important aspects of their lives better. Still, they use their logical and creative thinking skills to solve issues concerning social issues instead of only thinking about their personal matters.
What are INTJ’s weaknesses?
INTJs are logical thinkers who tend to have problems expressing their emotions. They’re likely to have lower scores on emotional intelligence (EQ), meaning that they find it hard to understand others’ emotions and prefer to perceive the world in rational terms instead of focusing on their emotions. As a result, they often appear as emotionally numb people who can’t respond to others’ needs and don’t consider their feelings. This leads INTJs to base their decisions on objective, factual information, instead of subjective speculation or here-and-now emotions.
Is INTJ a good personality?
Even though each MBTI personality has its strengths and weaknesses, generally, we can say that the INTJ is one of the greatest personalities. In fact, they have a great ability to look at things from different perspectives and rely on a broad picture while making decisions. They are independent individuals with a deep sense of intuition, which helps them to make rational decisions without bringing emotions into arguments. However, the fact that they find it hard to respond to other people’s emotions can be a bit problematic sometimes.
Final Word
As rare and peculiar as they are, INTJs are individuals with remarkable intellect and strategic reasoning. These are people with a unique understanding of the world, often looking for deeper meanings or logical connections where others fail to notice them. But, INTJs are not researchers who find happiness in finding evidence. They test theories, they develop new strategies, and most importantly, they put together tiny pieces into a complex puzzle called life. And that makes them hard to understand. They despise mediocrity, which is why they’d rather entertain themselves in their science-filled world. INTJs love connecting with other people, but only if they are equal or close to equal to them. So, circled by a few close friends, INTJs are those who come up with brilliant ideas or solutions away from everyday occurrences.