The ESFP is one of the 16 personality types as classified by Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). ESFPs are outgoing, kind people who love to be the center of attention. They enjoy being around other people and can easily make friends with just about anyone. ESFP personalities are also very sensitive and empathetic, which helps them connect well with those around them.
What does ESFP stand for?
ESFP stands for extraverted, sensing, feeling, perceiving. It means that ESFP personalities are outgoing individuals who enjoy being around other people and having fun together. They are charismatic social butterflies with an excellent understanding of others’ feelings, which helps them get along with anybody regardless of background or personality type.
ESFPs tend to notice details most overlook and have also been described as “the charmers,” because it is fairly easy for them to make new connections with people that they’ve just met. ESFPs are the entertainers of the Myers-Briggs personality spectrum. They like to be around people and they enjoy having fun.
They have a knack for being able to get along with just about anyone, regardless of their background or personality type, which makes them good at building social relationships. ESFPs are generally outgoing and they are drawn to things that will make them happy. They enjoy spontaneity, as long as it’s not too cramped or inconvenient for other people.
ESFPs have a knack for being able to put themselves in someone else’s shoes so that they can understand what the person is feeling at any given time. ESFPs can also be very impulsive because their emotions often dictate how they feel about something.
To deal with this impulsiveness, some ESFPs find comfort in religion while others may just try to keep themselves busier than usual with anything from volunteering opportunities to learning another language on their own time. One of the most unique traits of an ESFP personality type is that they are sometimes referred to as “the Performer”. ESFPs know how to make people feel good and this is one of their main motivations in life.
ESFP personality types want everyone around them to be happy, so if someone is feeling a little sad or down, the ESFP will do whatever it takes for that person to bounce back up again.
ESFP key characteristics that distinguish them

ESFPs are often energetic, jovial, and outgoing. They have a hyper-excitable demeanor that is contagious to those around them. ESFPs are typically not concerned about what other people think of them and they live in the moment.
ESFP personality types are usually found as actors, athletes, counselors, or coaches. The ESFP personality type is also known for its artistic abilities such as singing and dancing. These individuals love to be the center of attention which can make others jealous from time to time because they get so much praise for being who they are.
ESFPs are typically not as interested in planning or thinking about the future. They live for today and do not like being restricted by commitments that could be seen as boring to them.
In fact, these individuals usually have a “live-and-let-live” mentality when it comes to others’ opinions of themselves. The ESFP is known for their spontaneity which allows them to adapt quickly and easily to new stimuli they may experience.
The ESFP does not always see the consequences of what he/she has done or will do until after everything happens – this impulsiveness often makes things more difficult for the ESFP. People with this personality are talkative and engaging with others, but can sometimes be a little bit too trusting of people that they do not know well.
ESFPs also love trying new things – they will test anything out just to see if it’s something they might want to pursue in the future. This trait often has them bouncing from one project or hobby to another without being able to finish any of them because there are so many possibilities available at all times.
It can take some time before an ESFP individual finds what suits his/her needs since this person doesn’t enjoy doing anything half-heartedly – once he or she does find their niche, they are likely to excel in it.
Cognitive functions of the ESFP personality type
As a personality type that is typically considered friendly, social, and outgoing, ESFPs are usually in their element when they’re interacting with others. Let’s explore the cognitive functions of an ESFP personality type as well as some tips for understanding this Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality type better.

Dominant: Extraverted sensing
ESFPs live very much in the present moment, always observing what is happening around them, soaking up all of their sensory details through Extraverted Sensing (Se). This gives ESFPs an appreciation for beauty and aesthetics that they find all around them – from nature to art or even just objects like flowers or jewelry. It also means that when it comes time to take action on something, they will do so without hesitation because they’ve already gathered enough information about a situation and happen to know what they need to do.
ESFPs are also clever with their Extraverted Intuition (Ne) in that they can see the potential for a new idea or trend before it’s been introduced, which means they often have an entrepreneurial spirit and enjoy coming up with creative ideas of their own.
ESFPs take joy in living life in the here and now but still want to make sure they’re ready when the opportunity presents itself. This is large because ESFPs with enough data from the external world around them as soon as something happens.
However, there are times when ESFPs will think too much about things, and this can often lead to ESFPs procrastinating or getting stressed out.
Auxiliary: Introverted feeling
The ESFP’s auxiliary cognitive function is Introverted Feeling (Fi). This function helps the ESFP connect with their innermost feelings about life events, their sense of morality, and what they think is right or wrong. It allows them to see things from other people’s perspectives as well as empathize with them on an emotional level. Fi gives us the ability to see people in the moments of their lives and to see them for who they are, not just what they look like.
ESFPs with a healthy use of this function will be empathetic towards others while those that don’t might seem shallow or unaware about how other people feel. This function is also the ESFP’s “gut instinct”. It gives them a sense of what they want in life or what their intuition tells them about themselves. This gut instinct can be trusted if it aligns with the ESFP’s other cognitive functions and values, but not always.
Sometimes this feeling will contradict something that seems like common knowledge to an ESFP because it comes from within. In times when conflicting feelings are happening inside. Fi allows us to take time for ourselves before committing to anything so we can find out which decision feels right on the inside despite any evidence pointing otherwise externally. The Introverted Feeling (Fi) trait helps ESFPs connect with themselves emotionally and intuitively while looking at others and empathizing with them.
ESFPs are curious about people and want to learn more about the human experience as a whole, so they can better understand themselves in relation to others.
They easily pick up on other people’s emotions and wants because ESFPs have their understanding of what it means to be human based on both past experiences and an innate sense of how humans work from observing those around them at all times.
Tertiary: Extraverted thinking
ESFPs tertiary Extraverted Thinking may be responsible for their quick wit, ability to problem solve (particularly when they need to think on their feet), and tendency towards outspokenness that can sometimes seem abrasive or blunt. This trait is also what might lead ESFPs to feel restless and constantly seek new stimulation or experiences, as this Extraverted function is all about using the present to find solutions for future problems.
ESFPs may also use Extraverted Thinking to process information and make decisions that are rational, logical, or based on statistical data.
ESFPs often excel in fields where they can quickly react to the demands of their environment, for example, ESFPs might be able to jump from task to task with little downtime between them as long as these tasks satisfy their need for constant stimulation and change.
Inferior: Introverted intuition
Inferior introverted intuition is the ESFP’s Achilles heel. This type of person has difficulty with abstract concepts and can be easily confused by complex ideas. They need to focus on what they are seeing in front of them and their immediate surroundings. The ESFP needs a lot of time alone to recharge from all that stimulation during social events or work meetings, so it may not be wise for this personality type to take on leadership roles where they need to have quick decisions made at any given moment.
The ESFP personality types also have an aversion to criticism from other people because it’s often seen as judgemental and hurtful; this makes self-improvement difficult without some help understanding those aspects of themselves better.
Subtypes of the ESFP personality
ESFPs are known for their outgoing, charismatic behavior. ESFP-A is the assertive entertainer who likes to be in control and make decisions. They enjoy being social with others and will go out of their way to help people or do favors for them. ESFP-T is a turbulent entertainer who needs to have a lot of change to feel satisfied.

ESFP strengths and weaknesses
ESFPs are natural-born entertainers who live for the applause of their audience. They have a strong desire to be liked and admired by others and make excellent teachers or salespeople.
Their ability to see both sides of an argument and identify with just about anyone they meet makes them wonderful mediators in any situation. However, the downside to being an ESFP is that they can become too caught up in what other people are doing and not do anything themselves.
ESFPs need to remember that they have their unique talents, but more importantly, so does everyone else. In general, an ESFP is considered a sociable person who loves spending time with friends and family.
They’re usually quite good at small talk and enjoy adding humor or light-heartedness to any situation where it might be needed. On the flip side, the ESFP is also thought to be a bit more impulsive than some of the other types.
ESFPs might not always consider all of the consequences that come with their actions, which can lead them into trouble – or at least they may need someone else’s help if things get too out of hand.
Jobs and career paths for ESFP

ESFPs are typically considered to be the “Entertainer” of the Myers-Briggs personality types. They love to have fun and are not afraid to get their hands dirty with a little bit of risk-taking to do so. ESFPs would make great actors, comedians, or public speakers. One ESFP’s career path might look like this:
- Actor
- Comedian
- Public Speaker
- Bartender
- Waitress/waiter
- Hairdresser
- Teacher
ESFPs are typically such people-oriented individuals that they find careers where they can help others or be the center of attention. ESFPs usually have a strong desire to make everyone around them happy and will put themselves in uncomfortable situations if it means making someone else laugh.
This is one reason why ESFP personalities often enjoy careers like bartending, acting, teaching, public speaking, and hairdressing – jobs that allow them to engage with many different types of people frequently.
10 best jobs and careers for ESFP
Here are some of the most common work occupations for ESFP:
- Artist
- Photographer
- Flight Attendant
- Dietitian
- Chef
- Marketing Manager
- Teacher
- Nurse
- Jeweler
- Florist
- Corporate Trainer
- Pediatrician
How does the ESFP interact and behave in different roles?
ESFPs are outgoing and energetic people who enjoy being the center of attention. They like getting involved in whatever is going on around them, and they always have something to say about it. ESFPs are very talkative individuals with a talent for making others laugh. Let’s take a deeper look into how an ESFP would react in different situations and with different people.
If you’ve ever watched the hit TV show Friends, then you know that ESFPs are some of the most social people in the world. They thrive on being around others and often find themselves with a lot of friends. ESFPs are very open with their emotions, and they always have a smile on their face.
Friendships are extremely important to ESFPs because they feed into the need for attention that is so present in this personality type. They like being there for others when they’re having hard times and will do anything from giving them advice to letting them cry on their shoulder. They also appreciate honesty, which helps make friendships last longer than other types might otherwise think possible.

ESFPs are fun-loving and social. They enjoy getting to know new people, but they also cherish their close relationships. ESFPs have a natural affinity for children and seem to understand them better than other types. ESFPs love the opportunity to be creative in their parenting style, especially if they can find ways that make their child happy at the same time while staying within the boundaries of what is acceptable for society’s standards.
ESFPs are very nurturing and warm with their children, but they also want them to have a sense of independence. ESFPs will often try new things to make sure that life for the child is fresh and exciting. ESFPs don’t always know how best to discipline their kids. They’re good about sensing when someone needs some time alone, though, which might help them tailor what kind of punishment is necessary for each situation.
ESFPs are great listeners and enjoy getting to know people. They love giving advice, so be sure you ask them before they offer up their opinion. The ESFP in a relationship has a lot of fun but also doesn’t like following the rules all the time. ESFPs tend to show affection by doing things for others, rather than using words.
For an ESFP to feel loved and appreciated, someone must tell them how much they matter or spend quality one-on-one time with them. ESFPs are warm and affectionate partners who will shower their partners with gifts, compliments, thoughtful surprises, and other forms of physical warmth.
ESFPs don’t have a lot of patience for people who aren’t down for an adventure or new experiences, so if they think that someone is too boring to be in the relationship long-term then they’ll just cut them loose without much fuss. When an ESFP has found the right person, it’s easy to see how happy they can make themselves.
ESFPs are outgoing and expressive individuals who like to keep things lighthearted and fun. They need a job that will allow them to interact with others daily but also have opportunities for creativity and spontaneity in their work environment. ESFPs don’t care about hierarchies or status symbols at work (at least not as much as some other personality types). All they care about is having an engaging job that allows them to pursue what makes them happy every day – whether it’s singing on stage, or solving a customer’s problem.
Interesting facts about ESFPs
ESFPs are:
- ESFPs love to talk and are usually excellent listeners, but may not be very good at deep and meaningful conversations.
- When it comes to work occupations for ESFP, they do best in careers where they can easily meet people and make connections with them: salesperson, actor, hairdresser, server/bartender.
- ESFPs are warm, outgoing people who want to make friends with everyone. They live in the world of what is possible and they love color and variety.
- They tend not to worry too much about rules – as long as they’re having fun.
- ESFPs have high energy levels and need to talk about things that interest them right away – this can sometimes lead others around them to feel overwhelmed by all their ideas and enthusiasm.
ESFP personality type FAQ
How do others see and perceive an ESFP?
ESFPs are seen as energetic, social individuals who get other people excited. They’re typically upbeat and optimistic and tend to assign the best possible meaning to things that happen – they find good in everything.
Are ESFPs rare?
Around 9% of the general population are considered to have an ESFP personality type.
Final Word
ESTPs are practical and hard-working people that take their duties very seriously. They may be a bit more introverted than the other types, but they’re loyal to family and friends without fail because it’s part of who they are.