ESTP Personality Type (Entrepreneur): Traits, Careers, Facts & More

The ESTP personality type is one of 16 identified by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) theory. The ESTP personality type is a “doer” who is motivated by practical application and results. They are the kind of people who like to take charge, get things done, and be in control. This personality type can present as impulsive (quick to make decisions), logical (driven by reason), and assertive (confident). If you’re an ESTP or know someone who is, this blog post will help you understand what makes this personality unique.

What does ESTP stand for?

ESTP stands for extraverted, sensing, thinking, perceiving. ESTPs are logical, decisive, and quick to take action. They enjoy the present moment, living in the here and now. They are spontaneous and experiential learners who like to create their fun adventures through life by experimenting with different ideas and methods. The individual enjoys being around other people and prefers action to introspection. They may feel a sense of urgency or spontaneity when they interact with others which can lead them to impulsive decisions.

This person uses their five senses externally to take in information from their surrounding world and show interest in what’s going on outside themselves. People with ESTP personalities naturally make quick decisions because it feels natural to be proactive rather than reactive; this can sometimes lead them to rash decisions. ESTPs are outgoing and adventurous individuals who enjoy going after what they want in life through experimentation with different methods and ideas while still maintaining a balance between having fun along the way and following rules when necessary.

ESTP personality traits and characteristics

Think of the ESTP as a type that is always up for an adventure. They are spontaneous and like to take risks, even if they don’t succeed in their endeavors. They love getting into fights and making enemies, but they also have a compassionate side. The ESTP personality type can be seen as both confident and charismatic yet self-centered at times. An ESTP’s thinking is objective rather than reactive; this might sometimes lead the ESTP to take dangerous or risky actions to get what they want without considering potential consequences that may come from their decision-making process, such as a less stable financial situation.

When it comes to relationships, ESTPs are romantic idealists who believe in “perfect love.” They may marry more than once because they often can’t find the perfect partner. The ESTP personality type is typically outgoing and entertaining with an unquenchable curiosity about life. ESTPs are logical thinkers but also feelers; while they’re not always thinking objectively as introverted types do, for example, they will listen to other points of view before making decisions about situations even if those opinions conflict with what they want most.

ESTPs are generally honest and straightforward but can sometimes be seen as insensitive, especially if their words come across as blunt or critical – which might make sense considering how much of an idealist this personality type usually is. They’re also well-known for being impatient with those who don’t agree with them; while ESTP types like listening to other perspectives, once they’ve made up their mind it’s hard for them not to want others in agreement too.

This often leads to arguments when dealing with people of different values or beliefs because there will always be something that someone finds problematic about anything you do or say, and ESTPs are not always the most empathetic of personalities. These types will work best in environments where they can be themselves, with people who understand them for what they’re worth without prejudice or judgment.

Cognitive functions of the ESTPs

We all have the same cognitive functions but our order is different. These are four of the eight cognitive functions and they define who the person is.

Dominant: Extraverted sensing

Sensing is the dominant function for ESTPs and it’s what makes them excel in a world of tangible data. They learn best by doing, so they love hands-on projects that allow them to experiment and explore with their senses. They’re often skilled mechanics or carpenters because they have an innate understanding of how things work.

Sensing also helps ESTPs understand other people better since sensory information gives them insight into others’ motivations and intentions. It also means they’re usually good at picking up on social cues that might be missed by others who are more introverted or not as observant.

Auxiliary: Introverted thinking

Thinkers are logical people who base their decisions on facts. Introverted thinkers are no different in this regard, they take a data-driven approach to life and enjoy creating models of the world that match reality as closely as possible. When it comes to decision-making, introverted thinkers do not rush into things, but rather weigh all of the pros and cons before deciding what is going to be best for them.

They also want to make sure they know how any future consequences will affect them before committing. This makes them excellent planners and strategists because they can see several steps ahead when it comes to potential outcomes. Introverted thinkers are also more focused on the one or two things that they find most interesting. This makes them excellent at immersing themselves in a task and seeing it through to completion, but bad at making small talk with strangers or maintaining long-term relationships. Introverted thinking is an information-gathering process that relies primarily on internally generated knowledge (i.e., facts you know from your own life experiences).

Tertiary: Extraverted feeling

When it comes to communication, the ESTP personality type is all about having fun. They are excellent at reading a situation and figuring out what will make everyone happy. ESTPs also have an innate ability to read people’s emotions to be helpful. When they find themselves in a position where their extraverted feeling (Fe) function is being overused, they risk becoming stressed and exhausted.

To prevent this from happening, the ESTP needs downtime with friends and family as well as space for introspection so that they can recharge their batteries before diving back into social interactions again. The ESTP personality type is practical and down-to-earth. They have strong senses of tradition, loyalty, honor, duty, and discipline, which make them excellent leaders in emergencies, but they are also rigid in their daily lives, where flexibility is more important. Since extraverted feeling functions as their third most dominant function behind introverted thinking (Ti), they often find themselves struggling with their own emotions.

ESTPs are the least introspective personality type, which means they have to put more effort into embracing their weaknesses and vulnerabilities to grow as persons. This is what makes them uncomfortable because it’s not easy for ESTPs who lead with extraverted sensing to explore themselves without any boundaries or limits – but this is where growth comes from.

Inferior: Introverted intuition

While their dominant side is focused on exploring and understanding reality through interacting with it, ESTPs’ introverted feelings can be easily repressed by their more extroverted senses. People-pleasers at heart, want to make other people happy but don’t always realize that what makes them happy might differ from others. This leads to a propensity for doing things like selfless acts without considering how they would feel about those actions if done for themselves as well.

This tendency may also lead some ESTP types into a deep depression when faced with feelings of low self-worth because all this type wants is validation and appreciation for what they do. They also have a deep need to be productive and as such, when they are not receiving that same validation from the outside world, it can lead them into depression. This is because while ESTP types spend so much time focusing on what others want or project onto them, they don’t often stop to consider their wants for themselves.

To combat these feelings of isolation and lack of purpose in life, ESTPs should set aside some time each day for self-care which might include things like making sure they’re eating right or getting enough sleep (both physical activities) but also taking care of their mental health by practicing mindfulness techniques like meditation or yoga. For those who struggle with anxiety, this type of self-care can be a great way to reduce the burden of worry and anxiety.

Subtypes of the ESTP personality

Humble, kind, and a good listener. That’s how most ESTPs describe themselves. They are usually great at reading people, making them good for careers in customer service or sales positions. They also tend to be the life of the party, always coming up with new ideas that make everyone else laugh and enjoy themselves. And they hate being bored. But there is more to this personality type than meets the eye.

ESTP’s strengths and weaknesses

ESTPs are the life of the party, they like to be where the action is and can find a way to make anything happen. They’re impulsive and keen on taking risks because they think that’s how you get ahead in life. ESTPs have one-track minds which means that they don’t always see all sides of an argument or problem. This type also doesn’t enjoy long discussions so it may not be for them if you’re looking for this type or person, but on the flip side, if you want someone who will take control and know what needs to be done, then this personality type might just do it.

A lack of depth means that these types will never really understand people which could lead to misunderstandings at home as well as in business. This personality type also has difficulty being patient – ESTPs want what they want and they want it now. In-depth research is not something that ESTP personality types enjoy so if you need someone who will come to a project with an open mind and be flexible, then this type may not be for you.

On the other hand, these people do have excellent leadership skills – especially when it comes to inspiring those around them or convincing others to take chances too. The ESTPs in the business world often find themselves drawn towards careers like sales or management because ESTPs thrive in competitive environments – which is why many success stories go hand in hand with an ESTP personality type.

ESTPs are often mistaken for extroverts because of their outgoing and friendly nature, but in reality, these people do tend to prefer being around others on a one-on-one basis as opposed to big groups. Knowing this about them can make it easier when trying to find projects that work best for them.

Jobs and career paths for the ESTP personality type

ESTPs often have a hard time figuring out what they want to do with their lives. They are the type of people who get bored easily and crave excitement in everything they do, which is why it can be difficult for them to find a career path that suits them.

However, most ESTPs do eventually figure out what they want to do and live passionately and happily as a result. This trait also makes it hard for them to settle down into one particular career or place because they get bored easily with things that aren’t stimulating enough and desire constant change instead. This quality can heavily influence the career paths of an ESTP, but typically involve any sort of work that allows them to interact with others around them – particularly if those interactions include hands-on physical activities such as sports coaching or teaching classes.

Other possible work occupations for ESTP may include:

  • athlete
  • police officer
  • artist
  • mechanic
  • entrepreneur
  • scientist

They are typically not suited for jobs that require close, prolonged contact with others unless they have thoroughly researched the company beforehand and feel confident it would be a good fit. The ESTP is usually quite friendly and outgoing in public but might become more reserved at work if he feels his coworkers don’t respect him as much as he respects them.

10 best jobs & careers for ESTPs

Here are some of the most common work occupations for the ESTP personality:

  • Emergency Medical Technician
  • Manager
  • Police Officer
  • Forester
  • Photographer
  • Airline Pilot
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Factory Supervisor
  • Respiratory Therapist
  • Fitness Instructor
  • Biologist
  • Actor

How does the ESTP interact and behave in different roles?

ESTPs are loveable, energetic individuals who often feel nervous and frustrated when they have to sit in one place for too long. This personality type loves to explore new things and has a natural knack for starting conversations with people from all walks of life. Let’s have a look at how ESTPs interact in different life situations.


The ESTP personality type is one of the most enthusiastic and outgoing of all types. They are lively, energetic, fun to be around, and will often take charge in a group setting. This can make them perfect friends for those who need someone to motivate them or help them come up with ideas. ESTPs are more likely to get bored with a friendship if they aren’t able to use their skills and talents.

You may find that your ESTP friend loves you deeply, but is always looking for the next adventure or challenge. But don’t worry. There’s no need to let them go anytime soon because as long as there’s lots of action, these outgoing souls will be happy.

If an ESTP feels like they’re being stifled in some way – whether by friendships, family obligations, or any other part of life – then it can lead to feelings of resentment and anger which might make them lash out unexpectedly at those around them.


The ESTP personality type has a natural ability to interact with children in a fun and engaging way. They are often drawn to the challenge of parenting, as they enjoy the opportunity for growth that comes from raising a child. A common misconception is that ESTPs will be unable to handle difficult situations with their children, but it’s important to note that this isn’t always true.

As an extrovert, the ESTP thrives on social interaction and can use this as an outlet when things get tough – especially if they have some support from family members or close friends who also love being around kids. The ESTP will often want to try everything they can think of with their children, which is great for building strong bonds between the two. However, sometimes these tendencies might backfire – if things don’t go according to plan, then the ESTP parent could end up having one or more tantrums themselves.


Being with an ESTP in a relationship, you’ll be treated to the best of what life has to offer. They are full of energy and excitement for all that is around them. It’s like they’ve been injected with adrenaline and can’t stop moving – sometimes even when it’s time to sleep. ESTPs love anything new, exciting, or spontaneous. They enjoy taking risks and just living life as it comes because after all, ‘you only live once.’

They are spontaneous people – Life is an adventure and they want to be a part of all that life has to offer. ESTPs are easygoing and don’t like conflict, so when things get heated between them it’s most likely because they’re dealing with their emotions at the moment. They like for everything around them – including themselves – to look good. ESTPs will always dress nicely because it makes them feel better about what they have accomplished throughout the day.


The ESTP personality type thrives in a workplace where they can contribute their creativity and unique skills. ESTPs will need plenty of freedom at work, as well as the ability to have input on how things go down around them. This can make it hard for someone with this personality type to thrive in an office setting where they’re regulated by policies that don’t allow any room for discretion.

They do best when given autonomy over tasks such as brainstorming or problem-solving – but not so much when it comes to carrying out those tasks. They enjoy being hands-on and want some level of control over what is going on around them, which is why group assignments might also be challenging if everyone does not get a chance to contribute.

ESTPs have a strong need for excitement and new experiences, which can make it challenging to sit still all day long in an office environment where there are not many opportunities for them to be challenged or try something different. They may also want more than one job just so they don’t get bored with any of them.

Interesting facts about ESTPs

ESTPs are:

  • ESTPs are all about interacting with their environment. They thrive on the thrill of being able to make things happen and take action to create the desired outcome.
  • ESTPs have little patience for those who don’t see eye-to-eye with them, which can lead to clashes in the workplace.
  • ESTPs are confident, and their confidence can veer into the realm of arrogance.
  • ESTP personality types enjoy taking calculated risks to make things happen.
  • ESTPs have a hard time getting along with people who seek safety first or those whose main focus is on theory rather than practice.
  • ESTPs are attracted to people who have an easy-going attitude.

ESTP personality FAQ

What is an ESTP person like?

ESTPS are very enthusiastic, motivated, and creative people. They are good at thinking strategically and making powerful decisions. People with ESTP personalities don’t mind challenging themselves and leaving their comfort zones.

Solving complex problems makes them feel motivated and satisfied. Usually, ESTPs prefer to improvise and act immediately instead of developing plans in advance. They are sociable, outgoing, and cheerful people who like social gatherings and enjoy sharing their experiences with others.

What are ESTPs good at?

ESTPs are good at making decisions quickly. They can easily get organized to focus on things that matter and find effective solutions. People with the ESTP personality type are very flexible and have strong communication skills. As a result, they are good at social interactions and perform well in jobs that require plenty of analytical skills, flexibility, and creativity.

Final Word

ESTPs are practical and hard-working people who take their duties very seriously. They may be a bit more introverted than the other types, but they’re loyal to family and friends without fail because it’s part of who they are.

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