HIGH5 Test Review: Complete Evaluation of the Strengths Test

Do you know your top strengths and how to use them? The HIGH5 test claims to reveal them. HIGH5 is an online assessment that helps users identify their five primary strengths and equip them with actionable insights on using them.

HIGH5 Test Review: Complete Evaluation of the Strengths Test

HIGH5’s evidence-based approach uses scientific research to provide a user-friendly experience. It starts by asking straightforward questions, which helps the assessment understand your current mindset and preferences.

This HIGH5 test review will help you decide if this assessment is right for you. We’ll cover how it works, its advantages, and the impact it could have on your career development.

What Is the HIGH5 Test?

High5 Test is a modern tool for understanding an individual’s top strengths, built on the principles of positive psychology. It’s a revolutionary approach to personal and professional development.

The High5 Test finds its roots in the principles of positive psychology, a field that emphasizes the positive aspects of human life, such as strength, virtue, and resilience. Focusing on what is right about individuals rather than wrong, the High5 Test was born out of needing a tool to identify and enhance individual strengths.

At the heart of the HIGH5 Test are five core strengths each person harbors. These are not necessarily skills that have been learned or honed over time but intrinsic talents that are an integral part of an individual’s character.

The test focuses on spotting these innate strengths and helping individuals leverage them for personal and professional growth.

Unlike traditional personality tests that may focus on identifying weaknesses, the High5 Test is unique in its approach to spotlight strengths.

It asserts that people are more productive, satisfied, and successful when they focus on developing their strengths rather than correcting their weaknesses. This focus on strengths is a game-changer in the realm of personal development.

The psychology behind the HIGH5 Test is grounded in the belief that every individual possesses strengths that are unique to them and can be used to their advantage.

Recognizing these strengths is empowering and can increase self-esteem, productivity, and success. This model of strength psychology is transforming the way we approach self-improvement and growth.

Why Take a HIGH5 Test?

The HIGH5 Test is a powerful tool that can guide you in carving a career path that complements your strengths. By providing a deep insight into your innate abilities, it helps you identify careers that are tailored to your strengths.

This understanding can make job hunting more targeted and fruitful, saving you from being stuck in a position that doesn’t value your unique capabilities.

Why Take a HIGH5 Test

Let’s review the benefits of the HIGH5 test in more detail.

Firstly, by taking the test, you might discover that strategic thinking is one of your top strengths. This could steer you towards careers in business development or operations, where such talent is highly valued.

On the other hand, if empathy and understanding others’ emotions is your forte, human resources or counseling might be a fitting career choice. The HIGH5 Test ensures you’re not a square peg in a round hole in your career.

But the HIGH5 Test isn’t just about careers. It’s also a significant aid for personal development and self-improvement.

The awareness of your unique strengths can help you build resilience, manage stress, and enhance interpersonal relationships. Knowing your strengths gives you a solid foundation to grow, fostering confidence and self-esteem.

If your HIGH5 Test results show you have a strength in communication, you may want to foster this talent. This might involve joining a public speaking club, writing a blog, or simply making a conscious effort to communicate more effectively daily.

Similarly, if the test reveals a strength in adaptability, you might develop your flexibility to thrive in different situations and environments.

Moreover, the HIGH5 Test can help you manage life’s challenges more effectively. When you’re aware of your strengths, you can strategically use them to navigate through difficulties.

This awareness also boosts your confidence as you realize you have unique tools to contend with life’s ups and downs. The HIGH5 Test can lead to a fulfilling career and a resilient, confident self.

What Do Psychologists Think of HIGH5?

Psychologists appreciate the HIGH5 Test for its comprehensive approach to personal strengths. It enables individuals to understand their inherent capabilities, a core aspect of positive psychology.

Emphasizing what an individual can do, rather than focusing on weaknesses, aligns perfectly with the principles of this psychological branch.

Positive psychology revolves around the idea of leveraging personal strengths for overall well-being. The High5 Test, offering insights into one’s core abilities, resonates with this concept.

Psychologists see it as a tool that enables people to identify, understand, and amplify their strengths, thus promoting a positivity-oriented mindset.

The HIGH5 Test also serves as a self-discovery tool. As psychologists confirm, self-awareness is the starting point for personal growth and development. This aspect of the test lets individuals tap into their potential by making them aware of their unique abilities.

Once aware, they can consciously work on these strengths, harnessing them for goal attainment and problem-solving, thereby boosting their resilience.

The HIGH5 Test is seen as a helpful resource in therapy and counseling. Understanding personal strengths can aid therapeutic strategies, helping individuals better cope with challenges. By focusing on strengths, psychologists can help individuals build confidence and self-esteem, which are critical in overcoming emotional obstacles.

The HIGH5 Test has, therefore, been embraced by psychologists for its alignment with positive psychology principles, its role as a self-discovery tool, and its application in therapy and counseling. Its user-friendly, straightforward approach makes it a popular tool in psychology.

Can Your Strengths Change Over Time?

Strengths are a combination of talents, knowledge, and skills. Though talents are innate, knowledge and skills can evolve. Changes in life circumstances, experiences, and learning opportunities can shape and modify these attributes, leading to a shift in strengths.

Life experiences play a crucial role in reshaping strengths. As individuals navigate life, they encounter different situations that require various skills. These experiences, be they triumphs, failures, or new challenges, can trigger shifts in our areas of strength.

For instance, someone who has never been in a leadership role may discover their leadership abilities when put in charge of a project.

Learning and growing on personal and professional levels also contribute to a change in strengths. Knowledge acquisition can lead to the discovery or enhancement of a strength. Similarly, consistent practice and effort can turn a learned skill into a strength.

A person might discover a talent for public speaking after joining a debate club or enhancing their problem-solving skills by tackling complex problems at work.

Adaptability is inherent, like strengths. Human beings are resilient and capable of significant change. As we navigate through different phases of life, our strengths adapt accordingly.

For example, a naturally empathetic person might find this strength enhanced after experiencing a personal tragedy.

Remember that strengths are not static. They can change and evolve, influenced by various factors, including life experiences, personal and professional growth, and our inherent adaptability to constant flux. Such dynamism of strengths is the very essence of human resilience and growth.

Is the HIGH5 Test Reliable?

The HIGH5 test is a popular tool for identifying one’s strengths, but its reliability hinges on its scientific basis, its method of assessment, and the consistency of its results.

HIGH5 test bases its approach on positive psychology, which emphasizes personal growth rather than mental illness. It involves identifying and leveraging individual strengths, aligning with the High5 test’s objectives. The HIGH5 test borrows from this scientific approach, enhancing its credibility and reliability.

The HHIGH5 test employs a list of questions to gauge the respondent’s strengths. The questions are designed to be diverse and wide-ranging, allowing a full exploration of the respondent’s personality and potential strengths.

However, it’s also important to remember that the reliability of the test is dependent on honest and thoughtful responses. Answering the questions insincerely or hurriedly can skew the results, reducing the test’s reliability.

If a personality test delivers vastly different results each time the same person takes it, it might indicate issues with reliability.

However, the HIGH5 test has shown high consistency in its results. Repeated test applications yield similar results, which builds confidence in their reliability.

However, as with any psychological assessment tool, the High5 test should not be used as the sole determinant of one’s personality or strengths.

It can serve as a guide, but self-discovery and personal growth involve much more than just taking a test. Ultimately, the most reliable test of one’s strengths is real-life experiences and personal introspection.

The Pros and Cons of the HIGH5 Test

Here are the High5 Test advantages and disadvantages.


One of the key benefits of the HIGH5 Test is its foundation in positive psychology. This focus empowers individuals to leverage their unique strengths rather than dwelling on their weaknesses. Its ease of use is another advantage.

The test is straightforward and user-friendly, making it accessible to diverse demographics. The HIGH5

Test offers immediate results, providing instant insights into one’s strengths and potential growth areas. The reliability of the HIGH5 Test in yielding consistent results also speaks for its credibility.


On the downside, the HIGH5 Test may risk perpetuating confirmation bias. With a focus on strengths, users might overlook their areas of weakness or dismiss any results that don’t align with their self-perception.

Another potential drawback is the test’s simplicity, which, while making it accessible, could limit the depth and nuance of the analysis.

The test results largely depend on the respondent’s honesty and introspection ability, creating room for skewed results if the user is not entirely sincere or self-aware.

Despite its disadvantages, the HIGH5 Test can be a valuable starting point for self-discovery if used judiciously. It serves as an indicator, not a determinant, of one’s strengths.

Using the test in conjunction with other self-development initiatives, like real-life experiences and personal introspection, can help offset some of the potential biases and shortcomings.

This balance creates a more holistic approach to personal growth.

How to Take the HIGH5 Assessment

The High5 Test primarily exists in an online format, making it easily accessible to anyone with an internet connection.

The test is available on the official High5 Test website and is free to use. With instant results provided upon completion, it’s a user-friendly tool for anyone looking to uncover their strengths.

Navigating the HIGH5 Test online is a relatively straightforward process. After visiting the official website, you’ll find clear instructions guiding you through the process.

While the online availability of the test ensures ease of access, it’s essential to ensure a stable internet connection throughout the testing process to prevent disruptions.

High5 Test Guide: Tips for Accurate Results

There are a few fundamental pointers to keep in mind for accurate results. The key is to remain honest and spontaneous throughout the test.

Your initial gut responses are often the most accurate, so avoid overthinking the questions. Remember, the test is about discovering your strengths, not providing answers you think are ‘right’ or ‘expected.’

Avoid distractions while taking the HIGH5 Test. To get the most accurate results, taking the test in a quiet, relaxed environment where you can focus entirely on the questions is best. This will help ensure that your answers reflect your true feelings and thoughts.

Another tip for accurate results is to remember that there are no right or wrong answers. The High5 Test is about recognizing your strengths, and every strength is valuable in its own way. Answer every question based on your preferences and feelings, not based on what is socially desirable or expected.

Lastly, remember that the HIGH5 Test results are a starting point for self-discovery, not the end. Use your results as a stepping stone for further exploration and self-development.

Consider the insights from the test as a guide, but remember that personal growth involves continuous learning and exploration beyond the test results.

Real User Reviews and Feedback

Many users find the HIGH5 Test enlightening and beneficial. They appreciate its accuracy in pinpointing their strengths, with several reviews mentioning surprise at how well the results resonated with them.

Users also praise the test’s simplicity and ease of use, noting that it’s straightforward and doesn’t require a significant time investment.

On another note, users are delighted with the comprehensive report delivered after the test. They find it helpful to understand their strengths better and how these can be leveraged in their personal and professional lives.

Some users even highlight the positive impact of the test on their career progression, as it helped them identify roles and opportunities that align with their strengths.

On the other hand, a common negative review pertains to the test’s validity and reliability. These users question the scientific basis of the test, citing a lack of transparency about the research and methodology behind it.

Some users also expressed frustration with the result consistency, claiming their results varied significantly each time they took the test. These users question the test’s reliability and its ability to provide a consistent analysis of their strengths.


With diverse user feedback, the HIGH5 Test stands as a tool with merits and limitations. Users laud it for its simplicity, relevance, and help in personal and professional growth. However, concerns about its scientific validity, consistency, and lack of depth in measuring human strengths are prominent. 

Despite the criticisms, its utility in guiding individuals toward recognizing their strengths cannot be understated. It might not be the ultimate measure of human capabilities, but it provides a starting point for introspection and self-improvement.

Disclaimer: BPT does not intend to replicate or to substitute the HIGH5 test as both tests follow different methodologies, yet bring value in similar ways. Both tests help test takers be more aware of their own personalities. BPT does not dispute or diminish the value of the HIGH5 test and encourages test takers to go through both assessments. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach us.

HIGH5 logos are trademarks of HIGH5 Corporation. All other trademarks not owned by BPT that appear on this website are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated with BestPersonalityTests.

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