The ESTP personality is one of the sixteen possible personality types identified by the MBTI assessment. People with this personality have extroverted, sensing, thinking, and prospecting traits. ESTPs, often referred to as “the Entrepreneurs” or “the Explorers”, have flirtatious, exciting, and adventurous romantic relationships. They wish to have an ever-changing and exciting lifestyle while enjoying life day by day. It can be difficult to understand what this unique personality type desires in romance. Read on to see the ESTP personality type guide on relationships, specifically about their strengths and weaknesses in relationships.
ESTP’s best match for a romantic relationship
The best match for an ESTP is either the ISFJ or ISTJ. These personalities are good fits for one another, as they both enjoy spontaneity, adventure, and fun in their lives. Additionally, ISFJs and ISTJs can help Entrepreneurs address one of their key weaknesses, lack of planning, by helping them consider the future. The introverted personalities are also able to give more freedom to ESTPs, which could be beneficial as they enjoy an adventure with individuals outside of their family as well.
Compatibility with other personality types
The INTJ is the worst potential partner for ESTPs. This personality tends to be overly introverted, which conflicts with the ESTP’s desire to engage in group activities. INTJs would likely be incapable of calming down an ESTP and helping them settle down. ESTPs are equally unlikely to bring out an INTJ’s social side.
On the other hand, they do well with the following personality types: ESFP, INTP, ENTP, ESFJ, ESTJ, INFJ, ENFJ, and ENTJ. These types fulfill at least some of their main desires. For instance, extroverted types are equally interested in social activities. Other prospecting types enjoy living in the present while judging types can help ESTPs plan ahead.
How does ESTP look at dating and falling in love?
ESTPs view dating as another adventure in their life. They wish to be surprised and excited each and every day. They may not think about relationships far into the future, which makes them thrilling partners but also prone to dating in the short term. Throughout the relationship, ESTPs will likely have a long list of activities they wish to partake in, often encouraging their partners to participate alongside them. This MBTI type enjoys exploring new ideas and sometimes speaking about abstract topics, but ultimately the goal for such conversations should be action.

Entrepreneurs do not talk simply to exchange ideas, but rather to think about possible actions they can take. ESTPs do not view sex as a genuine expression of love. They may participate in sexual acts simply for pleasure and without committing, which could cause tension between their partner. ESTPs are one of the types that separate sex from true love.
ESTP in relationships
ESTP as a Parent
ESTPs make some of the most fun, playful, adventurous, and flexible parents. They enjoy spending time with their children and ensure the Entrepreneur’s children are happy. The curiosity and spontaneity possessed by this MBTI type perfectly reflect a child’s natural wonder. ESTPs like to engage their children through hands-on activities. While sports and fun hobbies are encouraged, ESTPs are not likely to force their children to participate in certain activities given their aversion to rules.

Entrepreneurs encourage their children to be themselves and give them ample freedom. Yet, they also keep an eye on their children and can easily detect when their child’s behavior is abnormal. Entrepreneurs may struggle with time prioritization and emotional support. Just view the list of jobs for an ESTP, and it becomes clear that work could be prioritized over family time. Additionally, this personality type views emotions as irrational. If their child is sensitive, the ESTP’s frank and direct speech could end up hurting them instead of helping.
ESTP as a lover in a sexual relationship
ESTPs can struggle with committing to a single relationship due to their lack of long-term thinking. Instead, they see sex as a pleasurable act and not necessarily as an act performed only when one is truly in love. They are more likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors for a quick thrill. When a relationship becomes dull, ESTPs may feel an urge to leave and move on to another partnership. This is because this type searches for excitement instead of security or stability.
More mature ESTPs will recognize the importance of commitment and will find ways to get excited about a single person for a lifetime. Entrepreneurs desire to socialize, live life in the present, and participate in exciting activities. If their partner is also adventurous, a stronger bond is developed. An ESTP’s partner should understand they do not want to hurt people with criticism; rather, they are trying to be honest and open with you. It may seem like ESTPs disregard their partner’s feelings, but that is not exactly true. They simply wish to use rational speech and decision-making processes as opposed to feelings, and they wish their partner to share this mindset.
ESTP in friendships
An ESTP’s friend will likely describe them as the life of the party. Boredom does not have a role in ESTP friendships, as the Entrepreneur is constantly seeking new and exciting experiences. They are often quite popular due to their extroverted and charismatic nature. Entrepreneurs especially enjoy participating in team activities or sports. They get along with virtually everyone and make friends easily. Entrepreneurs live in the moment and are self-confident, especially ESTP-As.
They do not care much about society’s perception of them, often leading to Entrepreneurs having friends who share their zest for life. An ESTP’s friendships are not usually formed through abstract or philosophical discussions. They are more likely to bond over actions than thinking, as they prefer participating in activities as soon as possible instead of thinking about future possibilities.
ESTP and breakups
If the ESTP has been rejected or dumped, they may have a hard time moving on. Rejection can make the Entrepreneur feel rather defeated, and such feelings can linger for long periods of time. They may try to salvage the relationship even when it is clearly no longer functional in an effort to convince their partners to stay with them. After ending one relationship, ESTPs will likely start dating again soon. Going out with others is used as a coping mechanism and a strategy to help ESTPs move on.
ESTP strengths in relationships
As with all personality types, there are specific ESTP strengths and weaknesses. Some of the greatest ESTP strengths include:
ESTPs are efficient, bold, and direct with everyone they come into contact with. They do not waste time or speak vaguely. They are known for their honesty and insightful criticism, which many people find refreshing. Entrepreneurs are not afraid to tell you their true thoughts and they do not even try to sugarcoat reality.
Sociable and strong interpersonal skills
ESTPs are extroverted individuals and enjoy participating in group events. They observe body language, tone of voice, and other social cues to better understand their partner. Since they pay close attention to their partners, ESTPs naturally help people feel cared for. ESTPs respond especially quickly to tangible or monetary needs.
Entrepreneurs are bold and relentless when it comes to achieving what they desire. They enjoy having some competition and adapt well to almost any environment. These individuals are driven and goal-oriented and can help their partners stay motivated. Entrepreneurs are not afraid of taking risks to get the desired result for themselves or their partners.
ESTPs are the exact opposite of lazy: they believe they can achieve anything given enough time and effort, and maintain this can-do attitude during their romantic life. Instead of constantly thinking, ESTPs prefer to take action and improvise if necessary. Since they react so quickly, they are especially useful in emergency relationship events.
ESTP weaknesses in relationships
ESTPs think and act quickly, so they can get easily frustrated with slower thinkers. This is especially true for individuals who lack common sense or have an overly emotional decision-making process. Entrepreneurs do not believe taking others’ emotions into account is worth their while since it is simply too draining to the ESTP. If they get into arguments, Entrepreneurs will ignore any claims based on feelings or intuition.
Entrepreneurs avoid thinking in the long term and prefer to quickly make decisions on the go. Although they are comfortable with this lifestyle, it can also be chaotic and harm the ESTP’s relationships. They may end up overwhelming themselves with duties due to their poor time management abilities. ESTPs struggle with admitting they cannot do everything, so they avoid saying no, even when necessary.
Avoid commitments
Boredom is the enemy of ESTPs, who enjoy an exciting and stimulating lifestyle. However, life inevitably has less exciting moments which ESTPs struggle enjoying. If a relationship becomes dull, ESTPs will have a significant drop in energy. They lack the patience to stick by their partner during such times.
The ESTP’s ability to observe is both a skill and a drawback, as it often leads to them prejudging others without getting to know them fully, later categorizing them based on first impressions and prejudices. They may end up missing out on opportunities or quality relationships by not getting to know people on more than a basic, exterior level.
ESTP relationships FAQ
What do ESTPs need in a relationship?
Because ESTPs enjoy adventure and a fast-paced environment, they want a partner who is willing to be adventurous. They want to experiment with love and think outside of the box. Independence is also necessary for an ESTP relationship. Their partner should recognize that spending time with others outside of the relationship is needed for ESTPs.
What personality types are attracted to ESTP?
The ISTJ and ISFJ are both attracted to ESTPs. To these personality types, fun is important. They see the ESTP’s spontaneity and are instantly interested in them. When they get to know the ESTP, the ISTJ or ISFJ can both appreciate their charisma and thirst for adventure. Risk is exciting and positive to all of these types, so they can easily find themselves attracted to one another.
How do ESTPs show affection?
ESTPs are not overly extravagant when it comes to love. They may tell their partner directly when they have something kind or loving to say. However, many like to take it a step further. Even though they themselves are not extravagant, they are willing to spend money (and lots of it) to make their spouse happy. As such, they may buy their spouse gifts, in addition to giving them compliments.
Who should an ESTP marry?
The best partners for an ESTP would be the ISFJ or the ISTP. This is so because all of these individuals are fun-loving. Neither the ISFJ nor the ISTP will prevent the ESTP from engaging in exciting adventures. They will not limit the ESTP or force them to stay home all of the time. Instead, they may want to accompany the ESTP on their adventures, making it that much more exciting.
Who are ESTPs attracted to?
ESTPs are attracted to individuals who are spontaneous and fun-loving. Being adventurous is a highly attractive quality for this personality type. The ESTP’s partner should not only enjoy adventure but want to live in the moment. Constant planning takes away from life’s fun in their eyes, and spontaneity gives rise to more excitement. Someone who recognizes this is likely attractive to the ESTP.
How does ESTP act when in love?
ESTPs are charismatic, passionate, and engaged when they are in love. They enjoy falling deeply into love and charming their partner. They may call their partner in the middle of the night to see what they are doing. If they are available, the ESTP may even suggest a late-night outing. Expect the ESTP to be extremely spontaneous, sometimes a bit disorganized, when it comes to love. They want to impress their lover and care about their partner having just as much fun as they are.
ESTPs have a strong love of excitement and are some of the most charismatic and attractive personalities out there. Entrepreneurs can expose their partners to many new adventures and ideas throughout the course of their relationship. While they may initially struggle with commitment and long-term thinking, ESTPs still make great partners for those who enjoy living in the present and adapting to anything life throws at them. Their creativity and honesty are especially valuable qualities in their romantic ventures. If ESTPs invest some time in furthering their planning skills, they will become even more attractive to the populace. Nonetheless, there is no denying that ESTPs and their partners have fun and fulfilling relationships.