Congratulations! If you are reading this, you are either an ENFP (Campaigner or Encourager) yourself or know someone who is a Campaigner or Encourager. Either way, with their unique energy and warm aura, these free spirits are often a joy to be around. With 7% of the population overflowing with vibrant energy, ENFPs (Campaigner or Encourager) are optimists who often have high hopes for others and the world at large.
However, one cannot change the world through ideals and positivity alone. Fortunately, the ENFP personality innately has what it takes to bring a positive impact to the world. Possibilities are endless for ENFPs. The problem for ENFPs is that they don’t know where to focus. Every option seems like a viable option. All of it is possible. The inability to focus is the downfall of ENFPs. Only by understanding the positives and negatives of an ENFP, can they begin to realize their goals and create an impact.
ENFP’s strengths and advantages
ENFPs are often excitable and curious about new ideas and the world around them. There is no such thing as a comfort zone for the ENFP because the world is their playground. Often open-minded and explorative, the ENFP seeks to understand the “deeper meaning” of their various experiences.
Being intuitive, ENFP seeks to understand the meaning behind observations. Every action has a motive. Every observation has a cause. Having their child-like wonder, ENFPs often seek to understand the sentiment behind every occurrence.
Energetic and Enthusiastic
Others will see the ENFP as a free spirit that does not stop to rest. Constantly surrounding themselves with people and good vibes, social interactions only further energize them. Enthusiasm is also synonymous with the ENFP personality type. Constantly exploring, ENFPs enthusiastically seek out new ideas from all sources, be it from other people or other resources.
Excellent communicators
Being excellent communicators, ENFPs can engage in a conversation with anyone at a moment’s notice. They often flow with the conversation, making others feel at ease and even engaged in the conversation. ENFPs also enjoy engaging in deep conversation with others, often wanting to alternate between talking about the latest cat video and the meaning of life.
Know how to relax
On the other end of the spectrum, ENFPs are not just deep and philosophical but also know how to have fun and be the life of a party. Being natural explorer, ENFPs always liven up the atmosphere by bringing in sudden bursts of new ideas and energy.
Very popular and friendly
ENFPs are usually very approachable and friendly to the outside world. By constantly adapting and going with the flow, they give off a laid-back attitude which makes others feel at ease when talking or approaching them. ENFPs are also empathetic and altruistic at heart with a strong social conscience. They pretty much get along with everyone and anyone.
ENFP’s weaknesses
Poor practical skills
With all sorts of ideas in mind, the ENFP may sometimes come off as impractical and illogical. Their strengths lie in the realm of ideas and possibilities, but they lack in the area of hands-on practical tasks. Without putting in enough effort, the ENFP may not be able to execute their ideas as well as their more practical counterparts.
Find it difficult to focus
The mind of an ENFP consists of endless possibilities. However, with so many possibilities in mind, they may find it hard to commit to one path. Hence, they may constantly start new projects without ending them.
Overthink things
ENFPs always look for the hidden meaning behind every occurrence. This is usually good in moderation. However, they may enter a downward spiral of overanalyzing the actions or inactions of others. They may even think that the whole world is secretly conspiring against them. This may also lead to problems in the ENFP’s relationships.
Get stressed easily
Although this may vary for ENFP-T and ENFP-A, their imaginations may sometimes run wild. Unable to handle deadlines or constant external expectations, ENFPs may break down and become paralyzed under the weight of their stress.
Highly emotional
Primarily driven by emotions rather than logic, ENFPs may come off as highly emotional under certain circumstances. When they feel that their identity is threatened, ENFPs may become highly emotional. This is to defend their vulnerable identity. This may also unintentionally hurt those around them.
Independent to a fault
Control is the antagonist of ENFPs. There is nothing they desire more than freedom. They loathe being restrained or micromanaged. ENFPs may even rebel against the norm just for their own sake. However, the rebellious ENFP has to learn to give and take with society at large.
How to maximize ENFP’s strengths?
Many ENFPs are stuck in an environment that does not suit their strengths. So, it is worth taking a look at ENFP career paths to find a field to start focusing on. However, the environment of an ENFP is not solely to blame. ENFPs should also work on themselves to maximize their natural strengths.
Preserve Your Child-like Nature
As we grow up, child-like characteristics such as curiosity and enthusiasm are often punished. However, ENFPs should always remember that their child-like wonder and awe at the world may serve to inspire others.
Network with The Right People
We are naturally gifted conversationalists and feel energized when engaged in a conversation with others. To maximize their strengths, ENFPs have to properly think about who to network with. They should socialize with those that they want to emulate. Only by networking with them, can the ENFP reach their fullest potential.
How to deal with ENFP’s weaknesses?
Although there are a lot to like about the ENFP personality, they also have their shortcomings. Only by accepting and working on their weaknesses can they achieve their fullest potential.
Not Everything Has a Meaning
ENFPs often unnecessarily overthink which only magnifies a problem. They let their imagination run wild. However, ENFPs should always tell themselves that the world is not conspiring against them. There is no hidden meaning behind every action. The sooner they realize this, the less affected they will be.
Discipline is Freedom
Although this may seem contradictory, it makes perfect sense. ENFPs loathe being tied down by rules and routines. However, it is only by setting up personal rules and routines ENFPs can escape from the control of others. Hence, ENFPs have to start disciplining themselves. Or else, someone else will.
What are ENFP’s strengths in the workplace?
If the job is challenging and resonates with the ENFP, they are sure to thrive in their career. The ENFP would also have the constant need to creatively express themselves for the benefit of others. So, if you want an independent worker who is intrinsically motivated, look no further than the ENFP.
What are ENFP’s weaknesses in the workplace?
The main struggles of an ENFP are control and routine. The ENFP may struggle to do repetitive tasks and complete mundane aspects of their job. Also, they may feel stifled in an environment that they perceive as overcontrolling. Being natural explorers, they may even shift to a completely unrelated field in the middle of their life.
What are ENFP’s strengths in relationships?
Warm, exciting, and encouraging. ENFPs tend to always excite their partners by always spicing up their relationships. Being enthusiastically engaged with others, ENFPs have the ability to make their partner feel unique and special. They are often expressive with those closest to them and would want others to openly share with them.
What are ENFP’s weaknesses in a relationship?
Although they may seem like an open book, ENFPs may sometimes be highly guarded when it comes to their deepest, darkest secrets. Disliking unnecessary conflict, ENFPs may also hide negative emotions which may lead to an emotional breakdown. They may also sometimes be unreliable, not being present even when their partner is emotionally in need.
What are ENFPs insecure about?
ENFPs dislike sharing their insecurities. They do not want others around them to worry about them or realize they have problems of their own. One such issue that troubles ESFPs is security. This type wants to feel safe, and when they are threatened (a breakup, job loss, etc.) they become insecure about their own abilities. When the ENFP is proven to be unrealistic, they become even more insecure, and sometimes even ashamed.
What are ENFPs afraid of?
ENFPs are afraid of insecurity. They value safety highly. When this is threatened, ENFPs will likely panic. Safety comes in multiple forms. For example, relationship stability, financial stability, friendship status, and so in are dependent on security. If something changes in these spheres, the ENFP’s security is threatened.
Few personality types are as unique and exciting as the ENFP. The world is their playground. This makes them easily excitable and enthusiastic about life in general. Being intuitive, they also look for the meaning behind events. They are also well-liked by their peers as they can engage in any conversation, be it the latest trends or the deepest philosophies.
However, being natural explorers, they struggle to put their energy into a single focus. They also loathe to be micromanaged and avoid any form of control, be it a routine or man-made rule. When they feel like their identity is threatened, they often become highly emotional and may even unintentionally hurt those around them.