ENFP personality type is characterized by extraverted (E), intuitive (N), feeling (F), and perceiving (P) traits. It’s one of the personalities from the 16 types of MBTI. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a commonly used personality test that is designed based on Carl Jung’s theory of personality archetypes. The main purpose of this instrument is to help people reveal their personality type and identify their characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses. Due to having a supportive nature and ability to help people, ENFPs are frequently called campaigners or encouragers.
In this article, we will focus on various types of ENFP relationships and see what they look like when they’re in love, as friends, or as parents. We’ll discuss the compatibility of ENFPs with other MBTI personalities, and reveal their dating habits and breakup reactions as well.
ENFP’s best match for a romantic relationship
The two personality types that are considered the best matches for the ENFP are INTJ and INFJ. The three of these intuitive personalities enjoy having deep, meaningful conversations in order to connect with others emotionally. ENFPs’ dominant function of Extraverted Intuition allows them to be ideal partners to INTJs or INFJs who have Introverted Intuition as the dominant function. Due to sharing a few personality traits, it seems like these pairings have little in common.
However, the couple of INTJ and ENFP, as well as INFJ and ENFP, learn plenty of things from each other. Their strengths and weaknesses create a perfect balance, allowing them to build healthy and long-lasting relationships. INTJ is considered the best match for a romantic relationship with ENFP because they are looking for warmth, encouragement, and support in relationships. An ENFP partner is able to help INTJs get in touch with their feelings and grow.
On the other hand, ENFPs need someone as intelligent as INTJs in their life who will guide them to solve complex problems. Dating an INFJ is also a perfect option for the Campaigners. They are attracted to INFJs’ mysterious nature and never get bored of them. Together these two personalities can have a satisfying relationship, full of adventures.
Compatibility with other personality types
Some of the other personality types that are also compatible with ENFPs are INFP, ENFJ, ENTJ, ENFP, ENTP, and INTP. First of all, ENFPs are compatible with intuitive personalities. They share a strong desire to find deeper meaning in things with all of these personality types. Besides, the two ENFPs also make a great romantic couple. They have the same preferences and agree with each other on most things. Considering their social attitudes, ENFPs prefer having a relationship with extroverted types who enjoy spending time with other people.
However, INFP and INTP personalities are also considered good matches for the Campaigners because of the flexible nature and the effort they put into relationships. INFP is an introverted analog of ENFP who has the same characteristics despite the need to spend some time alone. INTPs are interested in learning the world around them and exploring new things with their partners which is in line with ENFPs’ expectations about relationships.
How do ENFPs look at dating and falling in love?
ENFPs are extremely loyal people, especially when they are in love with someone. When ENFPs care for someone, they truly commit themselves to that person. The reason is that they take relationships very seriously and look for deep, rewarding interconnections. Campaigners consider romantic relationships as an opportunity for two individuals to connect on an emotional level and explore the world together. People with ENFP personalities don’t fall in love easily.

Although they allow their hearts to guide them, falling in love with somebody takes time for Campaigners. They try to build deep connections which don’t happen all at once. However, once they find out they like someone romantically, ENFPs try to get to know this person and consider their perspective. If you take a look at the ENFP personality type guide, you’ll quickly notice that ENFPs are warm, compassionate individuals with great interpersonal skills. In relationships, they value genuine passion and romance.
Also, they understand the importance of personal development and encourage their partners to pursue their dreams. They don’t try to change their partner. Instead, ENFPs accept them exactly as they are but want the same kind of acceptance and unconditional caring back. Besides, ENFPs hate arguments. They try hard to avoid conflicts with their partner and as a result, they often compromise, even when they feel they’re right.
ENFP as a lover in a sexual relationship
Compassionate and energetic ENFPs make wonderful partners for a sexual relationship. Not only do they focus on their partner’s feelings but also, the Campaigners are willing to strengthen the relationship by physical elements. Considering ENFP’s impulsive nature, they dislike traditional relationships. Falling in love, starting dating, getting married, and having kids isn’t a natural relationship path for ENFPs. Instead, they have a more flexible attitude towards relationships and prefer on and off dating rather than long-term relationships.
Love is one of the most important concepts for Encouragers. They believe that falling in love with someone else helps them realize their vibrant energy in actions. ENFPs enjoy showing passion, warmth, and enthusiasm. Committing themselves completely to the relationship, they are willing to develop deep connections with their partner. Devoted ENFPs tend to put their partner’s needs ahead of their own ones and neglect themselves to fulfill their lovers’ goals. However, they struggle to give up their freedom and try to negotiate their priorities at the beginning of a relationship.
What are ENFPs attracted to?
ENFPs are often attracted to intelligence and deep conversations with people. Therefore, clever and unusual ideas frequently attract them. The reason is that they’re looking for a partner who will help them grow and develop personally.
Considering this, if someone shares their unique thoughts or ideas with ENFPs, they immediately feel attracted. Besides, ENFPs are drawn to affectionate, passionate, and caring relationships with mutual self-respect and shared responsibilities.
Are ENFPs good in bed?
Yes, ENFPs can be good in bed because they make sure to open up completely on a deep emotional level with another person. They are drawn to intimacy and, therefore, during sex, they do their best to enjoy the present moment.
However, since they are feeling (F) personalities, ENFPs never forget to take care of their partner’s needs. Besides, they’re always willing to try new things in bed and turn their sex life into something extraordinary. That’s why they’re considered one of the best personality types in bed, alongside ENTPs and ENTJs.
What does an ENFP want in a partner?
The most crucial thing for ENFPs in relationships is having an adventurous and enthusiastic partner who will be willing to discover new things and explore the world with them. Therefore, ENFP wants passion and adventure in a partner.
They desire growth-oriented relationships where both partners prioritize their relationships and help each other refine their skills and find new opportunities. Considering this, support and encouragement are also some of the most important qualities in relationships for ENFPs.
ENFP in friendships
ENFPs are committed friends. People with ENFP personality types get a great deal of satisfaction by supporting their friends. Therefore, they are willing to help others and express their warmth. People value the Campaigners as friends and think of them as kind individuals, eager to support their friends.
The Encouragers are genuinely interested in understanding their friends’ problems and helping them to overcome these issues. Another reason why they are believed to be great friends is that they accept others unconditionally, with their strengths and weaknesses instead of trying to change them.
Generally, both ENFP-A and ENFP-T subtypes choose Intuitive and Feeling personality types as their close friends. As a result of similar attitudes and characteristics, these two subtypes are also compatible with each other as friends. Although ENFPs have plenty of friends, there are only a few people they consider as close friends.
ENFP and breakups
ENFPs hardly deal with heartbreaks. Breaking up with a significant other has a negative impact on their self-esteem. ENFPs develop strong connections. Ending this connection makes them emotionally exhausted. Sometimes breakups even lead to depression. Therefore, they need plenty of time before they heal from breakups and get ready to start dating again. Usually, people with ENFP personalities deeply care for their partners.
After breaking up with someone special, they feel empty inside. The campaigners are ready to forgive their partners because they believe everyone deserves second chances. They can accept mistakes and give their ex-lovers an opportunity to work on their mistakes. But only if they see that their partner is as devoted to the relationship, as they are.
ENFP as a parent
ENFPs are very helpful and enthusiastically supportive as parents. They offer their children genuine love and warmth which makes them feel like they are loved unconditionally. Due to their effort of being perfect parents, they try to develop proper skills for raising children. Usually, ENFP parents encourage their children’s curiosity by letting them take part in their desired activities. They believe that allowing independence in childhood will help their kids to explore the world and find their path in life.

ENFP parents don’t have the very strict discipline not to frighten the kids. Usually, they avoid losing emotional connection with children and try their best to maintain a close relationship with the kids. However, they manage to act as authoritative parents who are sensitive, responsive, and demanding at the same time. According to developmental psychologist Diane Baumrind, the authoritative approach is the most effective parenting style.
Children of the campaigner parents usually feel that they’re perceived as unique individuals. ENFPs manage to effectively maintain a balance between protecting their kids and allowing space to grow independently. Moreover, they always try to help their kids cope with various challenges. As a result, they are believed to be playing the roles of therapists to their kids. And if you take a look at the list of jobs for ENFP, you will see that they actually make great therapists or psychologists.
ENFP strengths in relationships
ENFP strengths and weaknesses have a significant impact on the way they behave in various types of relationships. Some of the personality strengths such as enthusiastic nature, empathy, and good communication skills usually help them to manage their relationships effectively.
Here are the major strengths of individuals with ENFP personalities in relationships:
- Empathy
- Great communication skills
- Loyal
- Committed to relationships
- Great sense of humor
- Encouraging
ENFP weaknesses in relationships
Despite all these strengths, the Encouragers also have plenty of weaknesses that have the potential to lead to relationship-related issues.
Here are the most common ENFP weaknesses in relationships:
- Not interested in practical problems
- Dislike criticism
- Neglect their own needs
- Get bored easily
- Unrealistic attitude
To summarize, ENFP’s warm-hearted nature and dedication towards relationships help them to build strong, long-lasting relationships with deep emotional connections. The Campaigners are willing to find love. When they do, they completely commit themselves to their partner and take care of them as much as they can. Since they value close relationships, their close friends are privileged to have someone in their lives as supportive as ENFPs.
Considering this, chances are high that people who are looking for empathy, dedication, strong connection, and mutual self-respect will fall in love with the Encouragers.