ISTP Relationships Guide – Best Matches & Compatibilities

The ISTP is one of the sixteen possible personality types identified by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, or MBTI. People with this personality have introverted, sensing, thinking, and prospecting traits. ISTPs, often referred to as Virtuosos, have complex, interesting, and passionate romantic relationships. They do not wish to be forced into relationships but would enjoy a great partner’s company for a lifetime. It can be difficult to understand what this unique personality type desires in romance. Read on to see the ISTP personality type guide on relationships, specifically about their strengths and weaknesses in relationships.

ISTP’s best match for a romantic relationship

The best partner for an ISTP is the ESTP. This personality type understands many of the Virtuoso’s desires, such as maximizing life in the moment, prioritizing rationality, and exploring the world. ESTPs can also help ISTPs get out of their shell, resulting in a rewarding relationship.

Compatibility with other personality types

ISTPs do best with other sensing and thinking types. Such individuals will share their focus on the present and tangible. If their partner is also a thinking type, they can avoid potentially hurting that individual’s feelings or having goals and desires based on facts and data rather than feelings. Some other compatible MBTI types include the ENTJ, or ISFP, and ENFP if they do not mind a feeling-oriented partner.

How do ISTPs look at dating and falling in love?

ISTPs wish to have honest and open conversations with their spouses. They desire to have strong communication, try new activities, and have space to pursue their own interests (even though they enjoy spending time with their loved ones).

How Do ISTPs Look at Dating and Falling in Love

Virtuosos do not want to be limited, and instead prefer to explore the world around them. Their partners should give them space to be free and make decisions solo. It could be challenging to see if an ISTP is in love with you. They tend to hide their emotions and do not feel affection as often as those with the feeling trait. Together, ISTPs wish their partners would support each other. They will use their problem-solving skills to assist their partners through difficult moments. ISTPs tend to have intimate relationships and rarely express their affection in public.

ISTP as a parent – parental relationship with their child

ISTPs are known for being easy-going, open-minded, playful, and flexible parents. Looking at the list of jobs for ISTPs, one can see they may need to spend time away from their children, as they enjoy challenging themselves at work. However, they equally enjoy exploring with their children. ISTP parents do not limit their children or heavily restrict their behavior. Instead, they encourage children to be themselves. Making mistakes is not off-limits, as ISTPs believe it is best to learn from mistakes instead of restricting behavior to avoid misstep.

ISTP as a Parent – Parental Relationship with Their Child

ISTPs may struggle to offer their children emotional support. When children have emotional issues, especially during adolescence, kids may not be able to rely on Virtuosos for assistance. However, freedom is immense if a child’s parent is the ISTP. They will be able to fully explore their emotions and work independently to find ways to address them. Also, sports and physical activities could be common activities for parents and children with this MBTI type. ISTPs will not force their children to like the same activities, but will likely expose them to a variety of sports, clubs, and jobs throughout the child’s lifetime.

ISTP as a lover in a sexual relationship

Affection is often physically shown for ISTPs, for they like to engage their senses in relationships. They like to hug, kiss, massage, or participate in other forms of physical affection. Virtuosos also enjoy when their partners set time aside to be with them. Usually, ISTPs tend to struggle with committing to relationships long term. They do not like to be restricted to what they can and cannot do in relationships. If an ISTP tries dating someone and does not enjoy it, they are not afraid to leave. This type is more prone to short-term relationships because of their lack of planning but is loyal when they finally find the right match.

ISTP as a Lover in a Sexual Relationship

ISTPs value independence, honesty, adventure, affection, respect, and private time in their relationships. They are not fond of visiting large parties with their panther but do enjoy being physical one on one. ISTPs wish to be free to pursue their own interests (which tend to be adventure and thrill-oriented) but are also supportive of their partner and willing to help when necessary.

ISTP in friendships

The ISTP-T and ISTP-A tend to differ slightly as friends. Assertive Virtuosos tend to need less input from friends, as they are naturally confident. However, ISTP-Ts may need their friends to recognize their talents before they do themselves. In general, most ISTPs do not want to be limited by friendship. If they plan to do something, they likely will. Do not expect ISTPs to change their plans based on their friend’s desires. The quickest way to end a friendship with a Virtuoso is by forcing them to constantly commit to scheduled activities. As long as ISTPs can maintain a flexible lifestyle with their friends, the relationship tends to be immensely exciting and rewarding.

ISTP in Friendships

They enjoy friendly competition, trying new hobbies, and using their senses in physical activities. ISTPs are also rational and action-oriented in friendships. If an acquaintance wants to share ideas with them, ISTPs expect action to follow such a discussion. They will not discuss the abstract or engage in deliberating over the future just for the sake of “a good discussion.”

ISTP and breakups

ISTPs tend to be rational and objective when it comes to most of life, including breakups. They will try to find the cause of the breakup and learn from any of their mistakes. After analyzing the situation, ISTPS will not dwell on the past. They prefer to move on and seek new relationships or spend time with themselves. ISTPs are not people who hold on to a relationship once it becomes negative. If the Virtuoso no longer enjoys someone’s presence, they see no problem in leaving them.

ISTP strengths in relationships

There are some specific ISTP strengths and weaknesses when it comes to relationships. Here are a few of the greatest strengths for Virtuosos:

They have fun

Virtuosos enjoy trying new things and exploring the world around them. It is even more exciting for ISTPs to explore with someone equally interested in trying new things.

They are open to furthering the relationships quickly

ISTPs do not care to make decisions based on tradition, giving the relationship more room to be authentic.

Calm and tolerant

They do not allow anger to overtake them and are unlikely to respond to conflict with violence.

Independence is given to the ISTP’s partner

While Virtuosos enjoy independence themselves, they are equally willing to reciprocate that independence.

Practical and creative

They are technical and make formidable partners. They can assist in helping around the house at almost any point.


They are efficient and effective. ISTPs do not mind if their partner relies on them for help from time to time.

ISTP weaknesses in relationships

Like with all personalities, ISTPs do have their weaknesses in romance. This includes:


While their honesty, bluntness, and logical thinking can be a strength, they can also hurt their partner’s feelings with this unsweetened communication type. They are less likely to understand a different thinking process and could potentially dismiss their partner’s thoughts or feelings if the ISTP believes they are irrational.

Risky behavior

They are restless individuals and hate to feel bored. In fact, ISTPs may partake in dangerous behavior simply for a quick thrill.

Personal space is important to ISTPs

They could become overly private and reserved to the point their partner believes the Virtuoso is hiding something from them.

ISTP relationships FAQ

Who should an ISTP marry?

The one personality type that gets along with the ISTP personality the best is definitely ESTJ. They are considered the best matches and natural partners for ISTPs.The reason for their compatibility is the fact that personalities’ dominant functions of introverted thinking (Ti) and extroverted thinking (Te) get along very well with each other. However, ISTPs and ESTJs also share the thinking (T) personality trait, meaning that they’re good at making rational decisions and prefer reason over emotions. That’s why ISTPs should look for people with the ESTJ personality type to marry.

Who are ISTPs most compatible with?

ISTPs get along perfectly well with either ESFJs, ENTJs, or ESTJs. The reason is that ISTPs look for people with great social skills for their romantic relationships or friendships in order to balance their introversion. And all three of these personalities tend to be extroverts. Besides, their dominant function of introverted thinking (Ti) is compatible with ENTJs’ and ESTJs’ extroverted thinking (Te). Therefore, compared to ENTJ and ESTJ, ESFJ is less compatible with ISTP.

Are ISTPs good in relationships?

Yes, ISTPs are considered one of the most desired partners due to their calm and independent nature. They are quick problem solvers and enjoy helping their partners with the housework. Besides, ISTPs are adventurous people, meaning that you can hardly get bored while being alongside them. Despite their thinking (T) trait, many ISTPs tend to be caring partners too, who understand their partners’ emotional needs and encourage them in everything they do.

Who are ISTPs attracted to?

ISTPs are drawn to people who appear to be independent and confident in themselves. They value it when people accept themselves as they are and feel comfortable with themselves. Therefore, they are easily attracted to people who don’t hesitate to share their opinions and don’t seek approval from others. Since they are very independent and confident personalities, sometimes an ISTP can be attracted to another ISTP.

How do ISTPs show affection?

ISTPs aren’t among the empathic personalities who can easily express their emotions and understand what others feel. However, it doesn’t mean that they don’t show affection at all. In fact, ISTPs have their own way of expressing affection to their loved ones. In particular, they show affection by taking care of their parents and always being there for them. ISTPs show affection by trying to encourage their partners in everything they do and motivate them to achieve even more success.


ISTPs love the excitement and enjoy living life at the moment. They do not wish to be restricted by their partners, but once they find someone they truly love, they aren’t afraid to display affection. Expect lots of hugs, kisses, and adventures in Virtuoso relationships. Even though ISTPs enjoy being physical and adventurous, they equally value quiet and private time. If their partner gives them room to explore and be themselves, the Virtuoso will likely develop a strong and lasting relationship with that person. Overall, ISTPs and their partners have a whole lifetime of affection and adventure ahead of them.

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