INTPs are often very intelligent, but they can also be a bit stubborn and difficult to get along with. When it comes to the INTP meaning of the world, it’s good to remember that it stands for introverted, intuitive, thinking, perceiving. This means that logical minds like the one possessed by an INTP are great for solving problems, but sometimes it’s hard to see things from other people’s points of view. This can make them seem insensitive and even arrogant at times. In this article, you will learn about the strengths and weaknesses of an INTP so you can learn how to best deal with people that have these personalities. On the other hand, if you have this type of personality, you’ll learn how to best use your strengths and get better at your weaknesses.
The most common INTP strengths and advantages
The following are some of the best qualities of INTPs:
- Analytical
- Original
- Open-minded
- Curious
- Objective
With a mind that naturally craves logic and all things rational, INTPs are often very logical. They’re always analyzing their thoughts and the world, in general, to see if they make sense. It’s hard for them to do otherwise because this just feels natural to them. They often take this skill so far that they want to understand just about everything. They’re not just interested in what’s happening around them, but also how it happened and why. This makes them great with problem-solving, and they often analyze problems from every angle to find the solution. They will even take this one step further by seeking out alternative solutions if the first solution doesn’t seem right.
A Logician personality often sees things in ways that other people don’t. While so much of the world tends to just accept what is, an INTP wants to question it and find better options. They want to make a positive difference and have deep moral values that guide their thinking. This is why they often develop such strong beliefs and opinions. However, while this can make them seem stubborn and even belligerent at times, their ability to think outside of the box will also help them see new ways of doing things. They’re often inventors and scientists who will continue looking for better solutions long after others have given up hope.
INTPs are also open-minded and flexible in their thinking. This is one reason why they’re often very tolerant of other people’s beliefs. They tend to see the world as a big place filled with infinite possibilities, so it’s natural for them to feel that everyone should be able to find what makes them happy. One thing that can frustrate INTPs at times is when others don’t believe that there’s always room for improvement. It can seem like such an obvious concept to them that they may begin questioning other people’s sanity or intelligence if they don’t agree. However, this flexibility does mean that they can pick up new skills and interests easily because they have no problem listening and learning from others.
Due to their open-minded nature, INTPs are naturally curious about the world around them. They always want to learn more and understand how everything fits into place. This same curiosity helps them enjoy learning new things that others may find boring or even pointless. Because they’re so fascinated by the inner workings of just about anything, INTPs often become interested in science as well as abstract ideas like philosophy and theology. While these subjects may not be fascinating to everyone else, INTP can’t help themselves but get drawn into a different way of thinking that feels natural to them. While INTPs may look self-serving on the outside, there’s often more going on underneath the surface than people realize.
Because INTPs are independent thinkers, they’re often very objective in their decision-making. They rarely make decisions based on emotions or feelings that may be clouding their judgment. Instead, they want to find a logical reason for making such decisions and will consider all of the facts before doing so. This ability to be objective and think things through from a logical perspective can be very useful when it comes to making sound decisions. However, because their emotions often take a back seat in such situations, they may not always consider how certain actions will make others feel.
All INTP weaknesses and flaws
Let’s now look at INTP weaknesses and what these mean when it comes to living a fulfilling life.
Here is a list of 5 INTP weaknesses:
- Disconnected
- Insensitive
- Dissatisfied
- Impatient
- Perfectionistic
The biggest weakness that many INTPs struggle with is feeling disconnected from the rest of the world. This can happen for several reasons, but it often comes down to an inability or unwillingness to put their thoughts and ideas into action. This isn’t to say that they’re lazy, because these are some of the hardest-working people you’ll find in life. However, they often have a hard time buckling down and doing what’s necessary to achieve their goals – whether it’s writing out a specific plan of action or just getting started on something. Working hard at something without much forethought often doesn’t make much sense to an INTP since there may be another way that ends up working better.
While INTPs can be extremely accepting of others, they often struggle to show their feelings. This is especially true with negative feelings like anger or frustration, which are usually suppressed and stored deep inside. This can lead to a range of issues from short temper tantrums to depression – if the INTP isn’t careful about how they deal with these emotions in themselves. They need to have ways of releasing their negative emotions so that they don’t build up and become overwhelming. Without this outlet, an INTP may feel trapped by the burden that this causes–not just emotionally but also intellectually (since too much stress can make it harder for them to think clearly).
INTPs can also be dissatisfied with life when they’re not able to explore their ideas freely. For those who are overly concerned with practical matters, this may mean that they feel trapped in a regular job or another role where there’s too much structure and not enough freedom. A Logician career path should be something that people with this personality think long and hard about. This dissatisfaction is sometimes caused by the feeling of being misunderstood, which happens especially when others aren’t interested in exploring their creativity. Being trapped inside their mind without an outlet for creative expression can leave INTPs feeling restless and unfulfilled, which leads to frustration and unhappiness even if they’re successful on paper (e.g., with a high-paying career).
Since INTPs spend so much of their time in their minds, it can be a struggle to get them to focus on what’s going on around them. For example, they may appear aloof or disconnected due to their lack of interest in other people and the world around them. Since few things capture an INTJ’s attention for long periods, they’re often considered impatient due to them wanting things to happen immediately, rather than taking their natural course. Also, due to their disconnection from others, they may have a hard time connecting with other people even when they try. This is especially true for INTPs who are introverted, which can make it difficult for them to express themselves.
Another issue that many INTPs struggle with is being overly critical of themselves and others. This can be triggered in several ways: from feeling like they’re falling behind to having an internal sense of perfectionism. The desire for things to be perfect may hover over them constantly, leaving them anxious about their performance as well as their ability to understand anything new (due to their constant need for understanding). Finally, when it comes to being perfect, INTPs often have different definitions of what that means. For some, it may mean having a complete understanding of how things work, while for others it may be about alignment with their internal values. Regardless of the specifics, INTP perfectionism can create pressure and stress around every choice they make.
INTP growth and development opportunities
How to boost INTP’s strengths?
Since INTPs have such strong self-awareness and analytical skills, they can easily spot ways in which they’re hurting themselves. They should take time to be realistic about what might be holding them back so that they can work on addressing those issues (e.g., if it’s a lack of motivation or an inability to focus, then improving these areas of their life should help). One way to do this is by viewing one’s strengths and weaknesses objectively without criticism, which can allow them to set realistic goals for improvement while also boosting their confidence as a person. Keep in mind that INTPs have a lot of potentials, but by ignoring their weaknesses, they may risk hurting themselves professionally as well as personally. By working on their significant shortcomings with the help of a therapist, they’ll be able to develop into stronger, more confident individuals.
How to Minimize and Deal with INTP’s Weaknesses
On the other hand, the Logician may feel paralyzed when trying to deal with some of their more serious problems. For example, they may feel stuck with a negative attitude and low sense of self-worth that’s preventing them from living their best life. In cases like these, it can be helpful to find an outlet for relaxation, so INTPs should consider relaxing activities (e.g., playing video games or watching movies) or focusing on improving their relationships. Also, INTPs who have a hard time balancing logic and creativity may benefit from expressing themselves creatively in addition to learning how to plan more effectively by using their logical strengths to find the best solution.
INTP’s strengths and weaknesses FAQ
Are INTPs good at arguing?
Yes, INTPs are considered one of the greatest debaters of all MBTI personality types. The reason is that they have amazing logical skills and can easily argue about abstract things for so long. Most importantly, INTPs always try to remain rational. They are objective people who can take other people’s points of view into account and change their own beliefs too if needed. Still, they are very good at arguing and convincing people about what they think.
Are INTP toxic?
Yes, sometimes INTPs can get a little bit toxic in social relationships. The reason is that they want other people to share their perspectives and think like them. This makes them manipulative, and, as a result, sometimes INTPs develop toxic attitudes towards their friends, partners, or co-workers. Nonetheless, INTPs are frequently those who push people away rather than others rejecting INTPs.
Are INTPs difficult?
Sometimes people think of INTPs as rather difficult people because of their stubborn nature. People with this personality type just can’t accept the fact that they can be wrong. They’re extremely ambitious individuals who consider themselves intelligent. And they indeed are. As a result, they often argue with other people and try to convince them of their attitudes or values. That’s why people consider them difficult people to contact.