ENFJ Relationships Guide – Matches, Compatibilities & Love

The best way to have a successful relationship is by understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each partner and knowing how they affect each other. Knowing this information will help you become a better person overall, which will lead to having more fulfilling relationships with friends, family members, significant others, or coworkers. This article will be your ENFJ personality type guide so that you can understand what relationships look like when it comes to this personality type.

How do ENFJs look at dating and falling in love?

ENFJs are looking for someone compassionate and understanding. They want to feel like they can be themselves around their partner and not worry about him or her judging them. They value empathy and being selfless.

How Do ENFJs Look at Dating and Falling in Love

ENFJs fall in love easily because they are giving, caring, and compassionate people. ENFJs are looking for someone fair and kind about how they approach their relationship together. They don’t like it when their partners take control of everything or boss them around all the time. ENFJs like to be in control, but they also want their partners to have a say-so sometimes as well. ENFJs are happiest with a partner who will share decisions with them fairly.

ENFJs compatibilities and best matches for a romantic relationship

ENFJs are most compatible with other personality types that share their two traits which include being sensitive and being a people pleaser. They would make a great match with another ENFJ, INFJ, or NFP personality type. ENFJs like their relationships to be harmonious and sometimes they can be a bit unselfish in this regard, but it all comes back around because when an ENFJ feels respected then they will reciprocate those feelings tenfold. Keep in mind that ENFJs are often overprotective and this can sometimes lead to them directing a lot of negative energy towards their partner when they don’t see eye to eye on an issue.

Who are ENFJs attracted to?

ENFJs are especially attracted to personality types that are confident, empathetic, and adaptable. Therefore, INFP and ISFP are two of the most suitable personality types for ENFJs. Considering this, it seems like they usually fall for NF types.

Since ENFJs are caring individuals, they are looking for the same in their partners. Even though they are judging (J) and extroverted (E) individuals, in this case, ENFJs prefer balance and get attracted to introverted (I) and perceiving (P) personalities.

Who are ENFJs most compatible with?

The most compatible personality types for ENFJs tend to be INFP and ISFP. Three of these personality types share feeling (F) personality traits, meaning that ENFJs are attracted to empathetic people who can easily understand other emotions, express their own feelings, and take care of others’ emotional needs. But also, they look for intimate connections with their partners. That’s why ENFJs tend to be especially enchanted by introverted individuals who enjoy expressing their emotions

Do ENFJs fall in love easily?

Yes, ENFJs fall in love very easily and quickly. The reason is that romantic relationships are a crucial part of their lives. One of their purposes is to have an intimate relationship with a special person. And that’s why they easily fall in love. As a result, ENFJs easily identify when someone is romantically interested in them, and as a result, they can fall in love even after their first date.

ENFJ and breakups

Sometimes it’s hard to understand how a breakup even happened and that’s when the ENFJ personality might start leaning towards depression. In a way, it is hard to break up with an ENFJ because they are so in tune with their own emotions and those of other people, which means that breaking up is usually a very difficult decision for them.

The Protagonist’s personality will typically remain friends with whoever they were involved with but it may take some time until the wound heals enough for this to happen. ENFJs become emotionally invested in a relationship very quickly and they always consider what everyone else wants before stepping into any situation or argument.

They are prone to be controlled by someone if they allow it and this is why ENFJs have a hard time ending a relationship. They don’t want to let go of what they have worked so hard for and it takes something very drastic for them to realize what needs to be done.

ENFJ strengths in a relationship

ENFJs are warm, giving individuals a lot of love to give. They are looking for a partner who will accept them and their need for attention in the relationship. ENFJs want their partners to know that they can be depended on and want to help meet all of their needs.

ENFJ are warm, welcoming people who want to be liked by others.

They like to have a lot of fun and laughter in their relationships and they tend to go out of their way for the people that they care about. ENFJs are usually a rare and wonderful find in this world. They are warm, welcoming, caring, and giving people who will go out of their way for others if it means helping them to feel better about themselves.

ENFJ is a trustworthy and honest individual who typically has good interpersonal skills.

They aren’t afraid of conflict and will do well when trying to solve problems in their relationship, which means that they can be counted on to help their partners work through any issues that might arise.

The good thing about this type, however, is that they will not allow their fear of conflict to turn into an argumentative and headstrong person. They know when to take a step back and let things cool down before trying to work things out with a level head.

ENFJ Strengths in a Relationship

ENFJ also works hard to make their relationships work and will put forth a lot of effort to do so.

Trying hard to keep the peace is something that ENFJs value and they are always seeking to make their relationships work. They don’t mind having a lot on their plate because they know that it will all be worth it when they finally see their relationship succeed.

ENFJ likes being around people who challenge them mentally and want someone who will inspire them to learn new things.

At the same time, they also desire understanding from their partners. ENFJ personalities are compassionate people who like to take care of others and so kindness is one of the most important traits for them in a potential partner. Moreover, the Protagonist’s personalities are extremely observant about others’ feelings and don’t like to come off as insensitive or unaware of another individual’s emotions.

ENFJ Weaknesses in a Relationship and the Implications Upon Them

ENFJs are very focused on pleasing others while avoiding conflict, which can lead to indecisiveness.

They tend to please everyone around them and sometimes this means that they neglect their own needs and instead focus on what will make those around them feel more comfortable. This can become problematic if the ENFJ allows themselves to be walked over by controlling individuals who might take advantage of how giving this personality type is or if the ENFJ feels like he has no one else left to please after everyone else’s needs have been met.

ENFJs are highly driven by their emotions and sometimes base the seriousness of a relationship on how they feel.

They can get so caught up in how they feel that before they know it, they are swept away by all of the love that is being presented to them. ENFJs desire special treatment because they also enjoy being spoiled from time to time. They want someone who will pamper them and make them feel special because at the end of the day that is truly what this type craves most. When an ENFJ feels loved and appreciated for all of their efforts, then that is when they begin to fall head over heels in love with their partner and feel like life can’t get any better than this.

ENFJ Weaknesses in a Relationship and the Implications Upon Them

ENFJs can get very frustrated when their feelings are not reciprocated.

ENFJ personalities don’t always express their emotions effectively or healthily which means that they might end up pushing others away by smothering them with affection or trying too hard to make everything work out perfectly between two individuals who aren’t ready for a committed relationship.

When an ENFJ falls in love with someone, they tend to fall hard, very fast, which can lead to problems later down the road.

This personality type tends to be sensitive both emotionally and physically which means that they do not handle rejection well. ENFJs may feel like their whole world has come crumbling down around them when someone pulls away from them and this can lead them into a depression of sorts. They value harmony in their relationships above all else, so in turn, if someone breaks their heart, then they will feel lost without that person by their side or at least some sort of connection between the two parties.

They tend to be very giving people and they can work well with others.

They want their relationships to be good ones but sometimes they may worry too much about the possibility of a bad relationship that they miss out on an opportunity for one. This means that ENFJs may end up spending a lot of time worrying about the future and what might happen when they allow the present to pass them by.

ENFJ as a Parent – parental relationship with their children

ENFJs like to give a lot, but sometimes it can work against them because they worry too much. This means that as parents, ENFJ personalities can be a little too overprotective and this will make their children feel smothered at times.

ENFJ as a Parent – Parental Relationship with Their Children

They are strongly focused on trying to raise morally conscious children, which means that they will try their best to do right by everyone. The Protagonist wants their relationships to be harmonious because, above all else, they value harmony. With their children, they will likely try to be very nurturing and they might even do too much for the child. This is where it could come off as a little smothering but ENFJs are simply trying to make their children happy.

They can also be easily hurt by their children when they feel like their emotional space has been violated in any way which means that they may have difficulty getting over something that upset them. ENFJs will always want what is best for the people closest to them, so if there happens to be a situation where one of these individuals were at risk then an ENFJ would naturally assume the role of protector which means that sometimes this personality type can become overprotective and may end up worrying excessively about someone.

ENFJ as a lover in a sexual relationship

ENFJs are not very good at being sexual but they can be intensely romantic, which means that they will indulge in the idea of a love affair and they will enjoy every minute of it. They do tend to overshare because ENFJs want their partners to know just who they are, and this is where it might get a little bit risky and lead to invasion of personal space. Their intentions are always pure though so as long as both partners feel respected then the relationship will only grow stronger.

ENFJs will always want what is best for the people closest to them, so if there happens to be a situation where one of these individuals were at risk, then an ENFJ would naturally assume the role of protector.

ENFJ as a Lover in a Sexual Relationship

This means that sometimes this personality type can become overprotective and may end up worrying excessively about someone. In a physical relationship, ENFJs would want to make sure that their partner is getting everything they need and this might come across as a little smothering. When it comes to physical intimacy, ENFJs are very passionate people and enjoy showing affection in every way they can.

The bottom line though is that ENFJs put a lot of thought into how others perceive them – so once they find someone who appreciates all that they have to offer, then there will likely be no stopping them from going out of their way to please them in many ways. ENFJs love to be affectionate and will try at all costs to maintain harmony between themselves and their partner; this is why it would probably work best if both parties had similar personalities because the relationship will be more balanced in that manner.

ENFJs in friendships, what they value, and how they make friends

They are very in touch with their emotions, which means that they will always do whatever is necessary to avoid letting the people around them down. As an ENFJ, one will likely care more about other people’s needs than his/her own and this can make it difficult for them to say no when someone asks for your help.

As an ENFJ, one of their greatest strengths is that they have a lot of empathy and understanding towards others so it makes sense why they would be very accepting of what they want from others- instead of trying to assert themselves into the situation.

ENFJs in Friendships, What They Value, and How They Make Friends

When someone violates the space of an ENFJ, then they may find themselves becoming defensive or hurt by what was said, but this is simply because they are sensitive by nature and this is what makes them great listeners. In a way, these are characteristics that are also found in the list of jobs for ENFJ. ENFJs will always try to do the right thing even when it means going out of their way for someone else.

They don’t care how much they have to give as long as it makes a difference in somebody’s life. ENFJ personalities get their energy from other people, so if you were ever close enough with an ENFJ, then you probably noticed that they have a real knack for getting themselves into sticky situations due to the fact that they never want to say no. ENFJs are one of those rare personality types who value harmony above all else and they will move mountains if this means making someone happy.

For ENFJ, having harmony in their relationships is extremely important and they work hard to make sure that everyone around them feels loved. ENFJ personalities are often naturally very popular due to the fact that they are always so friendly, but this can also be something of a double-edged sword because ENFJs take criticism very personally.

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