Best Emotional Intelligence Tests: 11 Top EQ & EI Tests [2024]

Emotional intelligence tests are becoming increasingly popular as employers recognize the value of emotionally intelligent employees. The tests measure people’s understanding of their emotions and interactions with others.

Knowing your emotional intelligence can help you better understand yourself and improve your relationships with others. It can also benefit employers, as having emotionally intelligent employees can make for a more productive and successful workplace.

This article will look at the top free emotional intelligence tests available online. We’ll also discuss what these tests measure and how you can use them to understand your emotional intelligence better.

1. The Emotional Quotient Inventory 2.0 (EQ-i-2.0)

Link to the test: EQ 2.0

Time Required: 20 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: Yes

Options: Paid

EQ-i 2.0 is the ultimate tool for understanding and developing emotional intelligence. It provides an online self-rating assessment that allows individuals to identify areas of strength and potential development and understand how effectively they use their EQ competencies.

The user can also add the multi-rater EQ 360, which offers a more comprehensive picture from feedback from others. If a person decides to take it even further, they offer certification, coaching, and training to take the development of their skill set to the next level.

2. BPTs Emotional Intelligence Test

Link to the test: BPTs

Time Required: 15 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: No

Options: Free & Paid

Over the past year, 343,233 test takers have relied on the Best Personality Tests platform for their emotional intelligence assessments. These tests measure an individual’s ability to recognize and regulate one’s emotions as well as understand the feelings of others.

Additionally, questions found on these tests focus on areas such as self-awareness, stress management, and empathy. Accuracy is judged based on reliability, practicality, and false positives/negatives; therefore, the more accurate a test is, the better understanding it will provide about a person’s emotional intelligence level.

With this knowledge gained from taking a dynamic intelligence test, people can improve their relationships with others and overall mental well-being.

3. Profile of Emotional Competence (PEC)

Link to the test: PEC

Time Required: 15 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: No

Options: Free

The Profile of Emotional Competence is an excellent tool for measuring Emotional Intelligence. Developed by Moïra Mikolajcza and Sophie Brasseur, two international researchers from the Université Catholique de Louvain, it takes the form of a 50-question test that comprehensively analyzes the strengths and weaknesses in emotional understanding and regulation.

Furthermore, to help refine the results, 16,000 participants contributed to creating an average score. It is believed that one’s emotional competencies impact four significant areas of life. Numerous studies have been published that indicate a correlation between emotional intelligence levels and success in relationships, academics/career progression, and overall physical health.

This test thus serves as a beneficial resource to assess an individual’s emotional awareness before embarking on any new journey or facing essential decisions and responsibilities in life.

4. The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue)

Link to the test: TEIQue

Time Required: 15 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: No

Options: Free

The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) was developed by K. V. Petrides, Ph.D., and is based at the University College London (UCL). Intended for academic and clinical research, TEIQue is a series of scales that measure different aspects of emotional intelligence in individuals.

It consists of four forms: Full Form (153 items), Short Form (30 items), 360° and 360°-Short Forms, and Child Form (75 items). High scorers on these forms typically exhibit traits such as adaptability, assertiveness, emotion perception and expression, emotion management, emotion regulation, impulsivity control, relationship success, self-esteem and motivation, social awareness, stress management, empathy, happiness, and optimism.

Already adapted to over 20 languages worldwide for use in research contexts, TEIQue is an invaluable tool for gauging emotional intelligence in individuals worldwide.

5. Wong’s Emotional Intelligence Scale (WEIS)

Link to the test: WEIS

Time Required: 15 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: No

Options: Free

Wong’s Emotional Intelligence Scale (WEIS) is a valuable tool for measuring and understanding how individuals understand, use, and manage their emotions. It consists of two parts; twenty scenarios seeking to gauge reactions to everyday problems and twenty pairs of opposing qualities such as prosperity and modesty.

Research conducted across multiple studies has revealed the value of Wong’s WEIS, postulating its utility for managerial and educational possibilities. In addition, training and development initiatives are also being explored in places such as Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, suggesting that further discoveries surrounding this psychological measure may soon be attained.

6. Emotional Intelligence Test (2019). Psychology Today

Link to the test: Psychology Today

Time Required: 15 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: No

Options: Free & Paid

It is well-known that those with higher emotional intelligence (EIQ) are more successful. This makes the Emotional Intelligence Test an invaluable tool for helping individuals understand and improve their EIQ.

The test requires 45 minutes, and selecting answers accurate to the individual’s thought processes, feelings, and behaviors is crucial to receiving accurate results. After completing the test, users can conclude their results with a FREE snapshot report and a summary evaluation and graph.

Those who want the whole picture can buy their personalized data for an added fee of $9.95 – an affordable way to access valuable insights about one’s emotional intelligence.

7. Test your E.I: Free EQ quiz (2018). Institute for Health and Human Potential

Link to the test: Institute for Health & Human Potential

Time Required: 10 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: No

Options: Free

Recent research from Harvard Business School shows that Emotional Intelligence, or EQ, is twice as important as IQ and technical skills combined when predicting success in life.

Taking their free emotional intelligence quiz will help provide some valuable insight. Take the quiz honestly and get personalized results with advice on managing emotions and creating better connections with others.

8. How Emotionally Intelligent are You? Mind Tools. Boosting Your People Skills (2019)

Link to the test: MindTools

Time Required: 10 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: No

Options: Free

This test explores the premise that people with high emotional intelligence (EI) can cope with and navigate difficult emotions, maintain meaningful relationships with others, and resolve conflict peacefully.

While the underlying components of EI, such as self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills, are often innate, developing improved levels of EI is achievable in most individuals. Practicing mindfulness regularly is a great way to create greater awareness of one’s emotions and be mindful of triggers for negative emotions that may influence behavior.

Enhancing control over emotions helps people respond thoughtfully instead of reacting emotionally. Taking accountability for our actions and celebrating small wins along the journey of achieving larger goals cements the development process while recognizing the emotions of others facilitates more meaningful connections on deeper levels.

Active listening is also essential to better understand what we hear from other people and not jump to conclusions prematurely. With practice, conquering EI can become second nature.

By taking this test, you can gain insight into your emotional intelligence, and learn how to control your emotions better and respond in more meaningful ways.

9. Emotional Intelligence Test (2019). Psych Tests

Link to the test: Psych Test

Time Required: 60 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: No

Options: Free

Emotional Intelligence (EI) has become essential for a successful life, especially today. A growing number of scientists recognize its importance, as evidenced by research and popularizing works such as “Emotional Intelligence” by Daniel Goleman.

It is now known that higher levels of EI are more beneficial for life than simply having an above-average IQ; those with greater EI seem to build bigger and better life successes. Moreover, with technological advances, it’s become more accessible than ever to take tests assessing one’s current level of emotional intelligence.

Following the test, results are analyzed, which helps indicate where improvements or strengths may lie and gives people suggestions on how to increase their overall EI.

10. Emotional Intelligence Test Free – EQ Test Free Online (2019). Alpha High IQ Society

Link to the test: Alpha High IQ Society

Time Required: 5-10 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: Yes

Options: Free & Paid

Emotional intelligence (EQ) has become an increasingly popular concept since its introduction over 50 years ago. As a measure of a person’s self-awareness, it was popularized by Daniel Goleman’s book in 1995 and can be measured with multiple-choice tests, with the highest achievable score being 200.

Generally, any EQ from 90 to 110 is considered normal. Somone’s with a high EQ often demonstrates practical communication skills; they understand their strengths and weaknesses; and have healthy and confident expressions of emotions.

To increase one’s EQ, education, communication/social activities, and personal training are all essential steps that can be taken.

11. How Emotionally Intelligent Are You? (2017). My Frameworks

Link to the test: My Frameworks

Time Required: 10 Minutes

Email Sign-Up Required: Yes

Options: Free

Cultivating emotional intelligence should be necessary for everyone as it can provide meaningful personal growth, improved well-being, and better relationships.

Doing so can lead to greater self-confidence, better communication, and a healthier life experience. Emotional intelligence involves engaging with our emotions positively and recognizing how those around us influence our feelings.

Having a high EQ means having the ability to recognize both your own emotions and the emotions of others, allowing you to respond constructively and build meaningful connections.

Taking an emotional intelligence quiz is a great way to assess where one’s EQ stands and identify areas that need improvement.

Are Free Emotional Intelligence Tests 100% Accurate?

While free online emotional intelligence tests can be a helpful tool in understanding one’s level of emotional intelligence, it is essential to note that these tests are not 100% accurate and should not be seen as a definitive measure of one’s EI.

While the tests typically provide results that indicate an individual’s current EQ, they generally cannot identify how much potential an individual has for further growth or improvement in this area. Additionally, one of the questions on these tests is subjective.

It is also essential to consider that certain factors, such as age, culture, and education, can influence the results of these assessments. As such, individuals need unique circumstances when interpreting the results of their emotional intelligence test.

Furthermore, the best way to accurately gauge one’s emotional intelligence is through self-reflection and understanding feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.

Taking time to understand our emotions will help us better recognize and respond appropriately.

How Can You Make Your EQ Test More Accurate?

The accuracy of any emotional intelligence (EQ) test can be improved in several ways. Firstly, it is essential to ensure that the questions on the test are as objective and relevant as possible.

This means including questions that relate directly to the individual’s life and experiences rather than relying solely on abstract concepts or hypothetical scenarios.

Additionally, creating a comfortable environment for the individual taking the test is crucial, including space where they can answer honestly and without fear of judgment.

Another way to improve accuracy is by ensuring all questions are unambiguous, enabling individuals to understand what is being asked accurately. Providing participants with further information about each question can also be beneficial to ensure they understand its meaning and relevance.

Furthermore, providing visual aids or images can help individuals better comprehend more complex concepts presented in EQ tests.

Finally, allowing individuals time to think before answering questions can result in a more accurate emotional intelligence assessment.

This will enable them to reflect on their feelings and reactions before responding and allow them time to consider how certain emotions may affect their behavior or decision-making abilities.

Which Emotional Intelligence Test Is The Most Accurate?

One of the most accurate emotional intelligence tests is the Emotional Quotient Inventory 2.0 (EQ-i 2.0). Developed by multi-health systems, this test is based on Mayer and Salovey’s four-branch dynamic intelligence theory, which multiple studies have empirically validated over the past two decades.

This test can measure a person’s ability to manage, understand, recognize, and use emotions in specific situations. It consists of 133 items which are then scored on a 5-point scale to calculate an individual’s overall EQ score.

Another popular test for measuring emotional intelligence is the BarOn Emotional Quotient Scale (BPT). This test comprises 150 questions that assess five critical areas of Eindividual’slerance; adaptability; self-regard; empathy; and interpersonal relationships.

The results from this assessment can be used to identify an individual’s strengths and weaknesses when dealing with their own emotions and those of others. Additionally, this assessment often provides advice and resources for improving one’s EQ score in these areas.

Overall, the EQindividual’sPTs tests are considered accurate measures of emotional intelligence due to their rigorous research methodology and detailed scoring procedures.

They provide individuals with valuable insights into their current level of EI and helpful guidance on how they can improve in this area and gain greater control over their emotions.

Which Emotional Intelligence Test Is The Best?

The BarOn Emotional Quotient Scale (BPT) is widely considered to be the best emotional intelligence test available. This test comprises 150 questions that assess five key areas of emotional intelligence: stress tolerance; adaptability; self-regard; empathy; and interpersonal relationships.

This gives individuals a more comprehensive understanding of their emotional intelligence, allowing them to identify their strengths and weaknesses.

The BPTs assessment provides helpful advice and resources on improving one’s EQ score in these five areas. For instance, it can help individuals identify personal and environmental factors hindering their ability to manage their emotions and those of others effectively.

Additionally, it can provide strategies for improving communication skills and building solid relationships with others.

The BPTs test is an accurate and reliable measure of emotional intelligence due to its rigorous research methodology and detailed scoring procedures. It offers individuals valuable insights into their current EI level and provides helpful information on how they can strengthen their skills in this area.

Which Emotional Intelligence Test Is The Quickest?

The Harvard Business Review Emotional Intelligence Test is an excellent tool for understanding where one stands in terms of emotional intelligence.

It rates individuals against five key dimensions, such as self-awareness and empathy, using statements that range from understanding why people behave the way they do to adapting when situations change unexpectedly.

Furthermore, this test can be taken more accurately if individuals rate themselves first and ask friends or colleagues for their opinion on each statement.

This provides a unique advantage over other tests that offer only self-assessments, which could be skewed.

Taking the Harvard Business Review Emotional Intelligence Test merits serious consideration because it helps identify areas that need further development while reinforcing positive behavior already established, allowing one to hone their emotional intelligence.

How Do I Find My Emotional Intelligence Score?

Finding your emotional intelligence score can be achieved by taking a dynamic intelligence assessment, such as the BarOn Emotional Quotient Scale (BPTs) or the Harvard Business Review Emotional Intelligence Test.

These assessments are reliable and accurate as they have been extensively researched and developed.

The BPTs test comprises 150 questions assessing five critical areas of emotional intelligence: stress tolerance; adaptability; self-regard; empathy; and interpersonal relationships.

Once completed, individuals will receive a detailed report that indicates their current level of EI in each area and helpful advice for improving it.

The Harvard Business Review Emotional Intelligence Test is slightly different in that it uses statements rather than questions to assess each domain. Individuals rate themselves on a scale from 1 to 10 on each account, with higher scores indicating greater emotional intelligence.

This assessment also allows individuals to get feedback from friends or colleagues to gain more accurate results. Upon completion, individuals will receive a comprehensive review of their EI profile with personalized suggestions for improvement.

Overall, both the BPTs and the Harvard Business Review tests are excellent tools for gaining insight into one’s current level of emotional intelligence and understanding which areas may need further development.

Taking either assessment can help individuals grow emotionally, become better aware of their feelings and those of others, and ultimately improve their overall well-being.

Best Emotional Intelligence Books

Here are a few of the best books on emotional intelligence.

1. Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman

Emotional Intelligence, by Daniel Goleman, is a must-read book that provides valuable insight into understanding what it truly means to be innovative.

The new twenty-fifth-anniversary edition includes a special introduction from the author and further explains how emotional intelligence can help its readers stand out in our increasingly digitized world.

The book draws on scientific evidence from research showing why those with very high IQs don’t always succeed, whereas those with an average IQ sometimes do.

It shows how comprehending one’s emotions and managing them effectively can improve relationships, work success, and overall health. This 25th-anniversary edition consists of essential lessons which can nurture and enhance emotional intelligence even in adulthood.

2. Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Jean Greaves

Emotional Intelligence 2.0 is a book that guides increasing one’s emotional intelligence quotient (EQ). , constructively has received high acclaim from many influential figures like the Dalai Lama, Newsweek, Stephen R. Covey, and Patrick Lencioni for both its power to transform lives.

It also offers valuable insights, adding solid backing to the ongoing research showing that EQ can often be more important than IQ when leading successful lives.

This best-selling book is packed with four valuable core skills – Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, and Relationship Management – which, if followed diligently and applied practically, equip readers with the potential to use their emotions constructively and increase their success rate.

3. Primal Leadership by Daniel Goleman

Primal Leadership has been a game changer in the business world since it introduced the concept of emotional intelligence into the corporate setting.

It has been embraced worldwide, and its teachings have become integrated into universities, businesses, medical schools, and other training programs.

Published in its revised edition, Primal Leadership highlights how all leaders need to be self-aware, empathetic, and collaborative to navigate today’s ever-changing landscape.

This book is a must-read for all professionals and managers, written by renowned authors Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee.


Emotional intelligence tests are handy tools for gauging one’s level of emotional intelligence and understanding which areas may need improvement.

Additionally, reading books on the subject can provide further guidance in learning to manage emotions effectively and benefit from increased EQ.

Together, these methods are great ways to boost one’s self-awareness and better understand the feelings of those around them.

With this knowledge, individuals can progress towards achieving tremendous success in their personal and professional lives.

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